Monday, October 14, 2019

Prone to Oversleeping in the AM? Then, You Need the Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibration Alarm from Sonic Alert - Review and #Giveaway

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

There is No "Snooze Button" When Using the 
Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibration Alarm from Sonic Alert

Do you struggle with waking up in the morning?  My husband has tried a number of alarm clocks -- even one that runs around the bedroom waiting for him to pick up and shut off.  But, even with these crazy or loud alarm clocks, he seems to shut them off and then heads back to sleep, before waking and having to rush around to get out the door and off to work.  He is always looking for alarm clocks to try, in hopes to finally wake up on time and not stress out in the AM rushing around to get out of the house, and then drive an hour to work.  So, when the folks at Sonic Alert reached out to see if I wanted to review their Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibration Alarm , I jumped at the opportunity to review it and offer a giveaway -- be sure to read on until the end of this post to learn how you can win the Sonic Bomb alarm for yourself or someone you know who struggles to wake in the AM.  

What interested me about this vibrating alarm was that it is placed under your pillow and shakes and vibrates when the alarm goes off.  I liked how this vibrating alarm can be placed under my husband's pillow, and not have to sit on the end table, where he usually has his cell phone set to go off each AM.  I end up waking early in the AM when his phone's alarm clock goes off, as do my girls.  This is never fun when I go to bed a few hours before after being up all night working on my blog, and then have my girls, who are light sleepers, wake at 4:30-5:00 AM and struggle to go back to sleep.  When they wake up early and don't go back to sleep that means they will crash mid-morning and then be grouchy -- not fun, especially when I have only had a few hours of sleep.

After having tried so many alarm clocks over the years and not finding one that would work for my husband, he was reluctant to try this one, as he thought it would be just like the others.  But, after spending a few minutes to set it up with his phone and app (which functions on Android and Samsung Galaxy phones and Apple iPhones), he was ready to give it try.  This past weekend was the first time using the Sonic Bomb vibrating alarm from Sonic Alert, and the first time it went off, it startled my husband right out of bed. 

He said he felt his pillow start shaking and vibrating.  While it startled him, he said he was so happy upon shutting it off, as it worked in getting him up and out of bed.  And, while I was awakened by his quick roll out of bed, I didn't hear the vibrating or alarm sounding, which was great for me.  So, it was a win win experience for both of us. :-)

The real test for the vibrating alarm, though, came this AM when my husband woke for work.  He set it up and placed it under his pillow, and come 5:00 AM, he woke to the alarm and got up with ease.  Yes, he was tired, but he wasn't ready to hit a snooze button and return back to bed.  Instead, he shut this vibrating alarm and started his morning.  He was amazed that he left on time and didn't have to rush around - which made for a more enjoyable commute, as he wasn't stressing or speeding to get to work.  And, when he got to work, he surprised his co-workers by being there before they arrived.

My husband thanked me this evening when he got home from work, for reviewing this Sonic Alert vibrating alarm, as it does what is says it does, and really does work at getting you up in the AM, and not waking your partner or the rest of the house.  Now my husband doesn't have to stress at night wondering if he will wake on time, when he sets his Sonic Bomb vibrating alarm, as he know what to expect each morning, and is ready for his vibrating wake up call.

If you struggle to wake in the AM with your current alarm, or know someone who needs a better alarm for waking up so they don't have to run around like my husband was, then you need to get yourself/them a Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibrating Alarm.  This will be the last alarm you need to purchase, as it will finally get you up in the AM with its power bed shaking vibrations.  It may take a few times to get used to the vibrations, but you will find that this is what you need to get up and not find yourself looking for and pressing the snooze button.

Here is more about the Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibrating Alarm from Sonic Alert...

Don’t be surprised if the vibration alarm causes you to jump out of bed!

"As the most powerful bed shaker in the universe, the Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibration Alarm is like a shark about to sneak up on you. The force of the vibration alarm shake will shock you awake quickly and your feet will be moving as you run to start your day. Just like the shark is king of the seas, this wireless alarm stands as the king of all vibrating alarms. The wireless alarm will keep you alert to text messages, phone calls, and Gmail when you all those notifications on your phone. Don’t think about choosing a weaker option than this vibration wake up alarm. Choose the SS125BT vibration wake up alarm!"

The Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibration Alarm Features:

  • The universe's most powerful bed shaker
  • Connects wirelessly to your smartphone
  • Set multiple alarms and notifications with an easy-to-use app
  • User-selectable alarm duration from 15 seconds to 10 minutes
  • User-selectable snooze time from five to 30 minutes
  • The user chooses their vibration pattern and strength
  • Turn off the alarm sound on your phone, only use the vibrator
  • Name the alarms
  • Customize the different alerts you want from Gmail to text message
  • Awaken without the disturbance of others
  • Stay charged with strong battery life
  • The battery lasts six months when used every day
  • The battery can last two years if not used every day
  • The app functions on Android and Samsung Galaxy phones and Apple iPhones
  • One-year Sonic Alert warranty

  • You can learn more about the Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibration Alarm from Sonic Alert by visiting today.  While there, you should also check out their other products includes alarm clocks, listening devices, HomeAware Signalling and even amplified phones.


    Thanks to the kind folks at Sonic Alert, one lucky Inspired by Savannah reader will have a chance to win the Sonic Bomb Wireless Vibration Alarm.  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.