After Halloween tomorrow, everyone will start getting into holiday mode -- starting their holiday lists and shopping (if they haven't started already) and planning dinners and family gatherings. Are you excited about this time of year? I know it can be stressful, but there is something magical about the holidays that makes this time of year special. Maybe it is because family and friends come together -- even if just for a day. Or, maybe it's the music and movies that start playing? And, we can't forget the snow when it starts to fall.While I am not a fan of the cold weather or shoveling, I love waking after a snowy night to freshly fallen snow blanketing the tree limbs and ground.
Not this weekend, but next, is my youngest daughter's birthday. It has become tradition to take the Polar Express train for her birthday with my parents, and have them sleep over and wake the next day to put the Christmas tree up. While some may think this is early for putting up the Christmas tree, my daughter likes it as she can enjoy it longer. She loves snuggling up on the couch after a busy day, shutting all the lights off in the living room, and just gazing at the tree all lit up, with her favorite ornaments on display. And, you know, that is my favorite thing to do also. Kids grow up so fast and soon enough they will not want to snuggle, let alone want to sit with parents on the couch enjoying the quiet of the night and the Christmas tree. So, I am taking all the cuddles I can get while they are still little, and enjoying these traditions that we started five years ago.
But, before we can celebrate my daughter's birthday on November 10th, we have to celebrate mine! :-) This Friday is my birthday, and my husband and girls couldn't keep a secret on their plans. They ended up telling me that we will be going to my favorite Italian restaurant, followed by family movie night out at the theaters. They know how excited I am to see the new The Nutcracker And The Four Realms, which arrives in theaters this Friday, so thought this would be a great gift to give me. My girls have been saving up their allowance money to help buy the tickets for the family, and said they have enough for a piece of chocolate cake for all of us to share at the restaurant. My youngest was quick to tell me that she thinks it best that they just use 1 candle instead of 40 when bringing the cake slice out. She doesn't want the smoke detectors going off from all the smoke from that many candles. Kids say the darnedest things, right! :-)
Tonight in addition to telling me what we are going to do for my birthday on Friday, my girls surprised me with the best gift ever. They sculpted the Nutcracker and a pair of ballet slippers, which they let air dry. And, when they were dry, they painted them, and my husband sprayed them to keep the paint and give it a shine. My girls know how much I love all things related to the classic Nutcracker story, and wanted to hand make ornaments for me, which we will stick on the tree Nov. 11th during my youngest daughter's birthday weekend. Usually I buy the girls a couple ornaments each year, as I want them to have a collection by the time they are older and move out on their own. That way their first Christmas in their own place with be special as they look at the ornaments and remember back to when I gave them to them, and the special meaning behind each. And, now I will have ornaments they gave me that I can look at remember when, when they are older and on their own.
For more information, please go to: https://movies.disney.com/the-
The other night I was watching late night shows and heard "Fall on Me (From Disney's "The Nutcracker And The Four Realms" / English Version) sung by Andrea Bocelli and his son, Matteo. OMG, such a magnificent song. And, ever since, I have had this song in head, and have been listening to it while blogging. My girls heard me listening to it this, and I shared this touching music video featuring Andrea and Matteo, two talented pianists and singers. Here take a listen, and see just how amazing this song is...
Breathtaking, right? Just watching the video I am getting more excited about this upcoming movie release, arriving in theaters this Friday. I love seeing the relationship between father and son, and how supportive Matteo is to his father, who is blind. The song is heartwarming and just by viewing the clips from the movie, you can see that this is going to be a great family-friendly movie to see this holiday season.
This is definitely turning out to be the best birthday, and seeing the magical The Nutcracker And The Four Realms, which I am hearing rave reviews about, is going to make it that much more special, as I will have my family with me, enjoying dinner and a great movie. What more could I ask for? :-)
Disclosure: I was provided with promotional product in exchange for sharing about this new move release. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
I love the trailer for this! Can't wait to see it! :)