Six more weeks and then our oldest daughter, Savannah, will be 4 years old. Where did the time go? It feels like yesterday we were bringing her home for the first time and learning the ropes as new parents. Now, we are preparing to send her off to preschool in the fall. Where is the "stop" button, so that I can stop time and enjoy her and Bella while they are still little.
But, I know that there is no magic button to stop time, so I just have to enjoy the time that we have watching the grow, learn new things, and eventually leave the nest. Times like these make me stop and remind myself that time is precious, and to make a point to enjoy the time I have with the girls as a stay-at-home that much more. And, with the girls and I having been sick the past couple of weeks, I have enjoyed the extra cuddle time spent on the couch, as we rest and get better. :-)
Knock on wood, that in 6 weeks everyone will be healthy, so that we can enjoy a fun-filled birthday weekend with Savannah. For the girls' past few birthdays, they have been sick, so we had to cancel parties and lay low. But, I have a feeling that those sick times are past us, and this year's birthdays will be enjoyed the way we have planned them!
Now that Savannah is getting older, she is understanding more and more about holidays, including her birthday. Even though she doesn't know the exact number of days until her 4th birthday, she knows that it is coming. If only there was a countdown calendar for birthdays that you could share with a child, to help them count down to their bid day? Well, leave it to the folks at The Elf on the Shelf to create just, with a new product release, The Elf on the Shelf®: Birthday Countdown and Game.
"This Birthday Countdown and Game includes TWO ways to celebrate birthdays North Pole-style! Each kit includes a display-ready felt wall hanging with a delightful, 28-pocket Advent-style calendar for counting down to the big day! Simply place the cupcake in the pocket that represents how many days are left until the birthday arrives, and each morning the child can move the cupcake ahead, one-by-one until the big day. When the birthday arrives, simply flip the board over to play the Birthday Game – a North Pole favorite! Children will wear a blindfold and take turns trying to place special birthday candles on the giant cupcake."
In addition to the fun The Elf on the Shelf®: Birthday Countdown and Game, you can also purchase the new The Elf on the Shelf®: Birthday Chair Decoration Kit, which you can pair with your family's scout elf, to surprise your child on their birthday.
"As described in The Elf on the Shelf®: A Birthday Tradition, scout elves love to decorate special chairs for birthday girls and boys – and their creativity is limited only by their imagination (and the supplies they have to work with)! The Elf on the Shelf® Birthday Chair Decoration Kit gives scout elves an extra hand when a birthday comes around! Each kit includes everything a scout elf needs to design a birthday seat that will delight any birthday girl or boy on their big day. The chair can be customized with the child’s name and age, if desired."
What child wouldn't want to have a seat decorated just for them? The Elf on the Shelf®: Birthday Chair Decoration Kit comes with everything your scout elf needs to make your child's birthday chair festive and worthy of tons of smiles from your child and great photo ops of their special day. Note: You have purchase the scout elf and The Elf on the Shelf®: A Birthday Tradition kit, which comes with a storybook and costume for your family's elf separately.
Savannah was so surprised to see Sebastien visiting, and the delicious birthday cupcake he had brought with him. :-) I can't wait to take pictures of Savannah's reactions this year. :-)

I know she will be all smiles on her special day, thanks in part to all the fun birthday products from the folks at The Elf on the Shelf®.
But, I did end up sharing The Elf on the Shelf®: Birthday Countdown and Game with Savannah this afternoon, while Bella took a nap. I was hoping to let both girls play the birthday game, but Bella is still feeling lousy and needed her rest. Wiping away a running nose, Savannah let me put the blindfold on her -- not fun for her, though. Shortly after a taking a photo, she lifted it up to peek at the cupcake board, as she walked towards it and placed her 4 birthday candles on it. :-)
Come her birthday, I know she will be willing to be blindfolded, as she will see the other party goers doing it, as they try and place the Velcro candles on the oversized birthday cupcake. :-)
Having been a fan of The Elf on the Shelf® products for the past few year, and sharing their growing product line with their girls, I have to say that I am loving these two new The Elf on the Shelf® birthday kits. They are so creative and will make your child's birthday that much more special, when you get your include your family's scout elf. I can't wait until we can start counting down to Savannah's birthday, starting from day 28, with the new The Elf on the Shelf®: Birthday Countdown and Game kit. The countdown, like other holiday countdowns the girls do, with get Savannah excited about her birthday, while also helping her practice her counting and numbers. :-) She is not a baby anymore, and this was seen yet again this afternoon when she had me be quiet and counted from 1-28, as she placed the cupcake in each of the numbered pockets.
Is your family a fan of The Elf on the Shelf®? If you are planning upcoming birthdays for your children, why not include your family's scout elf in the festivities. From the Birthday Countdown to creating an extra special birthday chair for your child, your scout elf is ready to help make your child's birthday that much more memorable. To learn more about the two new The Elf on the Shelf® birthday kits now available for purchase, visit http://shop.elfontheshelf.com/.
Stay tuned as I will definitely be sharing photos of Savannah's birthday chair decorated by our scout elf, Sebastian on my social media pages come July 19th, so be on the look out for them. :-)
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
This is such a cute product and the games look really fun for kids and I love the chair decorations.
ReplyDeleteheather [email protected]