Monday, December 11, 2023

Give the Gift of Less Stress This Holiday Season and Beyond with Truvaga -- Reset, Restore, and Revive with Just 4 Minutes a Day (Review) #wellness #vagusnervestimulation #truvaga

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

This is a big year for me not only blog wise, but also health-wise. I am celebrating 15 years of writing my blog Inspired by Savannah, and also 15 years of being cancer free from stage 2 nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  I was diagnosed on Christmas Eve in 2007, and from that day, all through 2008 I battled cancer head on through 40 rounds of radiation and 3 months of high dose chemotherapy.  While I am happy to be cancer free, it did come with setbacks through the years, as well as long-term side effects that I have to deal with even to this day, with new ones creeping up as each year passes.  No one ever wants to hear the words, "You have cancer," let alone, "It is a very rare cancer and has spread."  To say that time in my life was stressful is an understatement. Even to this day, whenever my annual oncology appointment rolls around in early November, or I find myself feeling sick and finding lumps and bumps in my neck or other areas of my body, it triggers that "flight or fight" response, and I can't relax until I see my oncologist and hear the words, "No cancer detected," with scan and lab results.  

Everyone has stress in their life -- some more than others.  But, with the way the economy is nowadays and many people struggling to make ends meet, especially with the holidays fast approaching, and the need to buy gifts for the kids, our stress levels are more in flux.  With stress comes health effects that if not addressed can lead to far worse medical conditions and poor health.  When we are under stress, we find ourselves also dealing with things like insomnia, headaches, anxiety, constipation, high blood pressure, chest pains, pain all over, irritability and even acne, just to name some effects of stress.  And, the longer we go without addressing the stressors in our life and finding ways to help cope or reduce these stressors, our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is effected. It is like a spiral, and without taking the proper steps to reduce your stress, you are only putting yourself at risk for major medical issues, like stroke, heart disease, and even cancer.  After having battled cancer once in my life, I am all set with doing it again. It is hard to get rid of stress 100% in our life...but, if you have tools to help you lower your stress, it will help immensely in your overall health  and well-being.

When it comes to my health and dealing with the handful of autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Raynaud's and Sjogren's, I try to limit the medications I take.  You have seen commercials for medications and at the end they go through a long list of potential side effects the different medications can cause.  After having gone through cancer, I don't want to put these medications in my body and chance side effects if I don't have to.  So, I try and find alternative ways to help with my arthritis pain, digestive issues, etc.  I have had some luck with homeopathic remedies and practices, but I still wasn't at a point in my life that I felt that I was able to deal with all the added stress that seemed to be piling up due to work and life stresses.  So, when I was asked to try out Truvaga vagus nerve therapy last month, I jumped at the opportunity as I had previously read about this vagus nerve stimulating device, and even saw a few videos where a doctor spoke about the device and its many benefits.  Yes, I was skeptical at first, especially with the price point being $299, but with the price of different medications nowadays and the increase in medical tests and office visits, I was willing to try something that was non-medicine and non-surgical. 


"Truvaga is an easy-to-use wellness device that works by stimulating the vagus nerve – also known as the “super-highway” that helps regulate the nervous system. By calming our natural fight-or-flight response (which is often triggered by everyday issues), Truvaga decreases stress hormones in the body that contribute to inflammation, mood changes, restless sleep, and more."

Being a busy mom, I really liked how you only have to use the Truvaga device twice a day for 2 minutes at a time -- once in the morning when you get up, and right before you go to bed each evening.  It does take time for the nerve stimulating therapy to start working and for you to see results (you need to stick with it, though), once you start feeling the benefits of this vagus stimulating therapy, you will find yourself sleeping better, more calmer, being able to think clearer, and all the tension you feel in your neck and shoulders seems to melt away little by little, with each new 2-minute therapy session.  I really like how you can do the nerve stimulating therapy in the comfort of your own home, by following the easy instructions included with the device.  In addition to receiving the Truvaga device in the box, you also get four 60 gram tubes of Signa  Gel electrode gel, that you apply to the two electrodes on the device, before applying it to your neck area.  I love when you are set all the supplies needed to use a product, so you can use it right out of the box, and without having to track down supplies.


 More about Truvaga, vagus nerve therapy, and its benefits:

"Truvaga is a vagus nerve stimulator that provides science-backed vagus nerve therapy for reliable stress relief, so you can live life to the fullest.

  • Personalized Sessions – 2-minute sessions with user-selected intensity levels.
  • Up to 6 Months of Therapy – 350 sessions included with purchase.
  • Drug-Free – No pills or drug-like side effects and can be used with other medications.
  • Handheld & Portable – Take it on the go, so you can use it when it’s needed most.
  • All-in-1 device – No apps, charging cords, or other attachments needed. Just add the provided gel and use it.
  • Risk-Free – Try Truvaga risk-free for 30 days. If for any reason you aren’t happy, you can return it, no questions asked.
  • *Truvaga is only available for distribution in the US at this time.

What is the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex cranial nerve in your body, wandering from the brain to your abdomen. Some might say it’s your body’s natural superpower, since it plays a crucial role in many bodily functions, including digestion, heart rate, immunity, and stress.

One of the essential functions of the vagus nerve is to balance your nervous system. It does this by regulating your “fight or flight” and “rest and digest” responses within the sympathetic and parasympathetic areas of your nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response and increases alertness, energy, heart rate, and more.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "rest and digest" response, decreasing alertness, and blood pressure in addition to helping with calmness, relaxation, and digestion. 

When the vagus nerve is working properly, your body is in balance. However, when we feel stressed or anxious, this is a sign that our “fight or flight” response (sympathetic system) is overworked, and the “rest and digest” function (parasympathetic system) hasn’t been keeping up to rebalance the nervous system properly. That’s where Truvaga comes in.

Why is stimulating the vagus nerve important?

When stimulating the vagus nerve, it helps enhance the parasympathetic system, bringing back a state of balance to your nervous system. In turn, helping to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion, as well as uplifting serotonin and norepinephrine levels. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter; think of it as our body’s very own message carrier, which regulates mood, sleep, pain, appetite, and behavior.

How does Truvaga’s vagus nerve therapy work?

Truvaga’s patented energy signals penetrate the skin and underlying soft tissues to reach the vagus nerve directly, only 1.5cm beneath the skin. It’s an easy, proven way to safely and effectively stimulate the vagus nerve where it counts.

"A recent clinical study demonstrates that the Truvaga technology successfully stimulated the vagus nerve in 90% of participants. That’s 9 out of 10 people who benefited from our vagus nerve technology. Read more about it here."

The results of Truvaga vagus nerve therapy can vary from person to person. Although some users experience immediate benefits, others may not notice any changes until after several weeks of consistent usage. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate Truvaga into your daily life, be patient, and be consistent with sessions to ensure you see the best results."


I didn't want to rush a review until I was able to use the Truvaga hand-held vagus nerve stimulator, as I wanted to be able to share an honest review of this product, knowing the cost of it.  I don't want to recommend something that didn't actually work for me.  That is not how I blog, and I would hate to be duped by online reviews that are written just to sell a product.  But, having tried this product for a  little over a month now, I can say that it does work and that I have found myself feeling less stressed with each day that passes using this device.  I am sleeping much better at night, and staying asleep.  Prior to using the Truvaga device, I would find night time as a time that my mind would go a mile a minute thinking of things and thus triggering stress and anxiety about things (many of which were out of my control).  I could never shut my brain off long enough to fall asleep with ease.  And, there were times I would wake thinking about the future and worrying about finances, the health of myself and my family, etc. and that would in turn keep me awake. It was a trickle down effect. If I was lacking sleep or had a poor night's sleep, my mind would not be clear the next day, I would be irritable, and my arthritis pain would get worse until a triggered a flare up.  But, by using the Truvaga device, I was sleeping better than I have in years, and waking restful and with a clearer head.  I was also happier and excited for future plans, even if they were uncertain or carried a financial hardship or obstacle.  

I couldn't believe how one small device used twice a day, without the need of medication, could help improve my overall health.  I have experienced less arthritis flares, my digestive issues seemed to improve, and my mind is as sharp as ever.  I truly feel great and now feel that I can handle day to day stress better. It isn't piling up any longer, all thanks to the Truvaga hand-held vagus nerve therapy device.  As we get ready to welcome in the holiday season, I wanted to make a point to share about Truvaga and how it has helped me immensely in hopes I can help others who have found it a struggle to deal with their stress, and don't want to medicate.  Exercise alone wasn't helping me cope.  But, paired with the Truvaga device, twice a day for 2-minutes, I can say my stress is manageable and not taking over my day to day functioning.  

If you are looking for the perfect gift to gift yourself or someone you love who struggles with uncontrollable stress, I highly recommend you check out Truvaga.  Read up on it, and even read other people's reviews on their website, and you will see that this all-in-one device is a true game changer when it comes to managing your stress.  I am so glad I stuck with using this vagus nerve therapy and am reaping the benefits of a less stressful life.  And you can, too, once you purchase and start using the Truvaga device, just 2 times a day, 2 minutes at a time.  I was starting to see results in the first week, and it only improved as the weeks went on.  So, what are you waiting for?  Head on over to the Truvaga website today to learn more about this vagus nerve stimulating therapy device today. You will be glad you did!

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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