Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Women's Health Checks To Know About

Did you know that women should have a yearly mammogram? Many people don't know about this, and all women need to be aware of their health. Having regular checkups is the best way to ensure good health. A lot of diseases can be prevented through early detection. Here are nine different types of women's checkups you should know about!

Via Pexels

1) Blood Pressure Screening

High blood pressure is a common problem for women. It can lead to heart disease and other health problems if left untreated. So have your blood pressure checked regularly to ensure that it's in the normal range.

2) Cholesterol Check

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in your blood. It can build up and cause serious health problems if you have too much of it. If your doctor finds out that you have high cholesterol levels, they will recommend lifestyle changes to help you lower them naturally. You can also take medication to help control your cholesterol levels. Getting your cholesterol checked is an important part of staying healthy.

3) Pap Smears 

A Pap smear is a routine medical test that women screen for cervical cancer. The doctor will swab the cervix and send it off to be tested in a lab. You should have your first one between ages 21-29, then get screened every three years until you're 65 if everything comes back normal. If abnormal changes are detected during this screening, follow-up tests may be needed more frequently than every three years.

Pap smears can help detect precancerous cells before they develop into full-blown cancers! This can prevent patients from having to go through invasive procedures like colposcopies or LEEP treatments later on down the line! It's important to note that some doctors recommend an HPV test along with your Pap smear. The FDA has not approved the HPV test for screening women under 30, but it can be used to screen older patients at increased risk for cervical cancer.

You should get your Pap smear done about once every three years, but it can vary based on your age and medical history. Talk to your doctor about what's best for you!

4) Mammograms  

Mammograms are one of the most important screenings that women can have. They help detect breast cancer early when it's most treatable. You should have a mammogram once a year starting at age 40 (or sooner if you're high risk).

If you find a lump in your breast, don't wait to go get it checked out by a doctor! Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in the United States. Don't let yourself become a statistic- get screened regularly for early detection!

5) Bone Density Screening 

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle. It's most common in post-menopausal women. A bone density screening can help you determine if you're at risk for developing osteoporosis. In addition, your doctor will recommend lifestyle changes and medication to help prevent the disease from progressing. It's important to get screened regularly for osteoporosis, especially if you're at high risk for the disease. Early detection is key in preventing serious fractures down the road!

6) Body Mass Index  

Your body mass index (BMI) measures your body fatness. It's calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. A BMI of 25 or more indicates that you're overweight. It would help if you had a regular checkup to determine your BMI at least once every two years. If you're overweight, it's important to take steps to lose weight and improve your health. For example, losing just five percent of your body weight can reduce your risk for diseases like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes! Talk to your doctor about healthy ways to lose weight and keep it off.

7) Blood Glucose Tests 

If you have diabetes, your blood glucose levels are either too high or too low. An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) can help diagnose pre-diabetes and type II diabetes. It involves drinking a sugary solution before having your blood sugar tested one hour later. This is usually done after an overnight fast of at least eight hours, but make sure to check with your doctor first! A fasting plasma glucose test is another important way for doctors to screen patients for potential problems like insulin resistance or diabetes risk factors. If it comes back positive, this means that there's a greater chance of developing health complications down the road! Diabetes management should be handled by both diet modification and medications if necessary.

8) Pregnancy Checkups  

Pregnancy is when it's crucial to see your doctor regularly. You'll need to go for prenatal checkups every four weeks until you're 28 weeks pregnant, then every two weeks until you deliver. Your doctor will track your baby's development and make sure that both you and the baby are healthy. They'll also give you advice on things like diet and exercise during pregnancy! It's important to have regular prenatal care, even if everything is going well with your pregnancy. Problems can develop at any point, so it's best to be prepared! If you have health insurance or an OB-GYN malpractice attorney, make sure to use it! Many of these screenings are covered by most plans. If you don't have insurance, there may be programs in your community that can help you get the care you need.

9) Colon Cancer Screening 

Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women, but you can reduce your risk with regular screenings. The American Cancer Society recommends that people start getting screened for colon cancer beginning at age 50. Doctors will use a special tool called a sigmoidoscope to examine the inside of your rectum and your lower intestine. You'll also need to get tested regularly for blood in stool or anemia if necessary! Colonoscopies are another option- they're more invasive than the tests listed above, which means there's a slightly higher chance of complications like bleeding. 

In conclusion,  it's important to get screened regularly for a variety of health conditions. Many of these screenings are covered by insurance, so there's no reason not to! Talk to your doctor about which tests are proper for you, and make sure to schedule regular checkups. Your health is worth it!

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