Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Own Blinded by the Light on Blu-ray and DVD on November 19 and Digital on October 22. (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a screener from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

Music truly is a powerful thing.  It can turn a bad day or mood you may be experiencing around just by hearing a favorite song.  Or, it can remind you of a certain someone, past love, or someone who may have passed away, and leave you in tears.  I, for one, found solace in music when I was going through radiation and chemo treatments years ago.  I would bring a mix tape with me to the hospital, to listen to when I was receiving treatments. It helped me get through some pretty long and dark days, and always seemed to perk up my spirits, especially when a a "fighting" song came on and left me tapping my feet or wanting to sing along.  While most of us don't have a singing voice, that doesn't stop us from singing at the tops of our lungs or off key whenever we hear our favorite song on the radio in the car or while in the shower.  Singing really is therapeutic and can magically transport us into a unique place where we think we can take on the world, or be whoever we want to be.

Knowing just how powerful music can be, when I first heard of "Blinded by the Light" and then watched the official trailer below, I couldn't help but smile, as I could relate a little to Javed, who was able to find his own unique voice in an unexpected source -- the music of Bruce Springsteen.  His music empowered Javed to pursue his dreams and passions, with a little help and pep talk through the lyrics of some of Springsteen's famous songs. :-)  I used to use lyrics I heard in certain songs to push forward when I wanted to give up during my cancer treatments, and found myself getting through it and having a new perceptive on life, thanks in part to the music I was listening to her and the messages I was pulling from the lyrics I was hearing.

Here is more about the Blinded by the Light, which arrives today on Blu-ray and DVD, and released to Digital back on October 22nd.

About the movie:

"The film tells the story of Javed (Viveik Kalra), a British teen of Pakistani descent growing up in the town of Luton, England, in 1987. 

Amidst the racial and economic turmoil of the times, he writes poetry as a means to escape the intolerance of his hometown and the inflexibility of his traditional father (Kulvinder Ghir). 

But when a classmate (Aaron Phagura) introduces him to the music of Bruce Springsteen, Javed sees parallels to his working-class life in the powerful lyrics. 

As Javed discovers a cathartic outlet for his own pent-up dreams, he also begins to find the courage to express himself in his own unique voice."


I ended up watching this movie with my husband the other night, and we both loved it.  Yes, it was a little silly at first seeing how caught up in Springsteen's music Javed got, right down to dressing like him and his mannerisms, but as the movie went on, we saw that the music truly is a powerful thing, and helped to change and shape Javed, thus giving him more confidence and a voice to speed up and pursue his passions and dreams.  Both my husband and I found ourselves tapping our feet to the music in the movie, and humming along at certain points. And, that night while getting ready for bed, I found myself listening to Springteen's songs that her stuck in head, just so that I could sing along. Then, the next day, they were still stuck in my head, as I continued to belt out these tunes in the shower and on the drive to my daughters' classes.  They looked at me like I had two heads, partly because they had never heard the songs before and also because I was probably singing off key, but you know what, I felt great singing the songs, and they put me in a great, just like Javed felt when he was singing and dancing along to them in the movie.

If you are looking for a fun movie to watch with your family, that not only has a positive message, but also great music from the Boss, then you will want to check out Blinded by the Light, available now on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital.  Then, get ready to have Springsteen's songs stuck in your head. Just saying! :-)

Disclosure: I was sent a screener from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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