Saturday, June 22, 2019

If Your Kids Loved the New The Secret Life of Pets 2 Movie, Then You Will Want to Surprise Them With the PETZ Value Box ($25 In Goodies for only $9.99) (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

"Everyone’s favorite domesticated-talking pets are hitting the big screen again in The Secret Life Of Pets 2! Show off your excitement for Max, Gidget, and the gang with the all-new The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box! This fun filled package contains 8 random items, including Dog Tags, puzzle erasers, keychains, and Plush. Over $25 in value fun! MSRP: $9.99"

Has your family had a chance to see the new The Secret Life of Pets 2 movie in theaters?  We saw the movie the first day it released, and have since gone back to see it two more times.  To say it is a good movie is an understatement.  My girls can't wait for the fall to get here so that we can pick up the movie when it arrives on Blu-Ray and DVD, to add to our growing The Secret Life of Pets movie collection.  The reason I say growing is that the girls and I are hoping there will be more movies, as the second movie was really good, and left room for more stories to be told about Max, Gidget, and all the other pets.

I was so excited when the mail came the other day as we were sent the new, limited edition The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box which you can find at Target down the trading card and surprise/blind bag toy aisle, for only $9.99.  As you can see in the photo of the The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box above, you only pay $9.99 for the box, but get over $25 in The Secret Life of Pets 2 themed products.  Each box is different and contains all sorts of goodies including plush toys and foam key-chains to slap bracelets, dog tags, puzzle erasers and more.  I knew my girls would be over the moon excited when they saw the The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box.  But, with only one box I knew they would be fighting over who would get what, and who gets to open the box.  So, before I surprised the girls with the The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box, I went to Target and picked a few more boxes so that I could stash two away for my oldest daughter's upcoming July birthday, and have another box so that each of my girls could help with a fun The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box unboxing.

Yesterday, I surprised my girls with the The Secret Life of Pets 2 Value Box, and as you can imagine they were all smiles, and couldn't wait to tear into their box and see what goodies they got.  I couldn't get over how stuffed the boxes were. They were both filled to the top with blind bags and toys to enjoy.  

You would expect with a surprise box like this that they would get some duplicates, but that was not the case with box. They also liked everything in the box, so there was no complaining of boring toys like they have done with past surprise boxes.

I still can't believe that this box that was filled to the brim is only $9.99.  You really do get $25+ worth of The Secret Life of Pets 2 goodies, making this a great deal to jump on.  

But, you better act fast as these value boxes are usually only available for a limited time, and they fly off the shelves, especially at my Target store.

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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