I just made my youngest daughter's day today, when I told her that I signed her and her sister up for British Soccer Camp again this summer. They have been going for the past few years, and this year, they are both old enough that they will be able to participate in the full-day camp. While my oldest is not as excited as her sister, she knows that once she gets out of the soccer field and runs around kicking the soccer ball, she will have a blast. They always do, and they always come home schooling me on the proper way to play (even though I used to play as a kid), as well as talk about all the new friends they made.
I brought the news to my daughters about soccer by sharing a cute new picture book called, "Max Explains Everything: Soccer Expert," which will be arriving in stores on Feb. 19th from Penguin Random House, Penguin Young Readers.
Here is more about this upcoming release, which is sure to be a hit with novice and "expert" soccer players, aged 4-8:
"This hilarious, tongue-in-cheek guide from kid-expert Max reveals everything you need to know about the game of soccer.
Max knows a lot about soccer. After all, he’s been playing it for almost three weeks! So he’s pretty much an expert. Here Max shares his one-of-a-kind helpful tips including how to warm up (stretch, twirl, somersault), who’s who on the field (the ref is in yellow and wears a whistle–you should not bring your own whistle), and what to do with your hands since you can’t touch the ball (wave at fans, hide them in your shirt, play itsy-bitsy spider). But could Max possibly be forgetting something very important? Full of humor, energy, and warmth, Max Explains Everything: Soccer Expert is the perfect read aloud for novice players as well as for fellow “kid experts” on the game.
Want more fun with Max? Don’t miss Max Explains Everything: Grocery Store Expert."
Doesn't this sound like a fun book to share with your kids? They don't have to be soccer players to enjoy this cute book which has a young boy named Max trying to school everyone on what soccer is all about. But, in doing so, we find him getting easily distracted by clouds, a dog running by and other distractions he encounters on the soccer field. While he shares all about soccer with readers, we see he is forgetting one major thing -- to kick the ball when it comes near here. He doesn't pick up on this key part of the game, even though everyone, including his mom is yelling for him to kick the ball. My girls kept giggling through this story, as they know you have to kick the ball, and found it funny Max, who is trying to school them on the game of soccer, is easily distracted by every little thing, and really isn't paying attention to the game itself.
At the end of the story Max finally realizes what he was forgetting to do, but it wasn't kicking the ball. He remembered you get a snack at the end of the game. When my girls heard this, she burst out laughing, and my youngest said, "Oh, Max, you silly boy!" I could tell by my girls' reactions that they really enjoyed this picture book by Stacy McAnulty. And, this got them talking about soccer and how they hope they could play again this summer. This is when I shared the surprise that I had signed them up earlier in the day. What a great way to share this fun news, and it left the girls to drift off to sleep thinking about the fun they will be having this summer when they play soccer. And, thanks to Max, they know the most important thing about soccer -- no not snack time -- but, to kick the ball when it comes near you! :-)
Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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