Disney’s latest release based on the beloved classic
children’s book is in theaters Today!
What do you do when you have no electricity or Internet?...Drive a half hour away for dinner and a movie with the family. :-) Usually we do Friday night movies in our house, but thanks to the 2nd Nor'Easter in a week (and another expected Monday into Tuesday next week), we have been without electricity and Internet for the past few days. We had crossed our fingers in hopes that the power would return, but we are not alone in the dark as so many other nearby towns and states are still without power. But, thanks to social media people are sharing drive-thru's, markets, restaurants and even movie theaters with power. So, tonight when my husband gets home from work, we will be heading out for a warm meal and to see A Wrinkle in Time.
Have you heard all the buzz around this new Disney release starting Oprah, Mindy Kaling and Reese Witherspoon, just to name a few? Hopefully you have seen the trailer to this wonderful family-friendly movie before you lost power like us. If you haven't had a chance to see the A Wrinkle in Time trailer, here it is, along with more about this incredible movie, which is going to be a blockbuster just like all the other Disney movies ever released...
"From visionary director Ava DuVernay comes Disney’s “A Wrinkle in Time,” an epic adventure based on Madeleine L’Engle’s timeless classic that takes audiences across dimensions of time and space, examining the nature of darkness versus light, good versus evil and, ultimately, the triumph of love.
The film stars Reese Witherspoon, Oprah, Mindy Kaling, Chris Pine, and Storm Reid as “Meg Murry.” A Wrinkle In Time is in theaters March 9, 2018"
Doesn't this movie look amazing? As I sit here thinking about this movie, I can't help but think of all the great movies I have seen over the years, and movies that have been made thanks to their stories first being told in a book. Do you have a favorite family-friendly movie you just loved as a book, and then fell in love with the story when it was made into a movie? Growing up, I loved reading the Little Prince. I was given this book by my grandmother as a birthday gift when I turned 8 and would read it cover to cover each and every time I picked it up.

While there had been different movies made (most in French) based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's book, it wasn't until I had children of my own and was sent Little Prince DVDs to review, that I fell in love with the book yet again, and found myself reading this classic story to my girls at bedtime. I love seeing them get excited about the book, and we find ourselves talking about the different parts. And, when we are not snuggling up in bed to read this book -- which I recently found translated in Spanish and that my husband now reads to the girls -- we will sit and watch a few of the Little Prince episodes from the animated series, which you can find at NCircle Entertainment.

As we wait for the power and Internet to come back on, and for my husband to come home so that we can switch things up and do a Friday night dinner and movie outside the house for once, my girls are coloring in A Wrinkle in Time coloring pages I found online and talking all about this movie, and how much they really want to see.

I know that this will be the first of many viewings of this movie - both in theaters and then when it arrives on DVD in the future. So, if you are without power, or have been looking for a great family-friendly movie to take the whole family to, why not consider doing dinner and a movie, or even lunch and this movie over the weekend? I have read reviews of this movie from other bloggers and critics who have seen the movie and they can't stop raving about the movie, which is making me more excited to see it tonight.
To learn more about the new A Wrinkle in Time movie from Disney, visit the official movie website.
And, don't forget to follow along and share your thoughts on the A Wrinkle in Time movie by following the movie's official social media channels below:
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Disclosure: I was provided with promotional product in exchange for promoting this movie. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
I'm sure it's enjoyable enough--and the cast certainly has a bunch of heavy-hitters!