Now that my girls know how to spell and read, they love grabbing a notebook or journal and writing in it. Bella, my youngest, is my artistic one, so she will usually draw a picture and then have me help write out a mini story about the drawing. As for Savannah, she is just like her Mommy and loves to write up lists. Just the other day I found one of her journals she received recently from SmitCo LLC open on her bed, and she had a list of places she wanted to go to this holiday season. And, the ones we have done so far had a check next to them. Her list was a couple pages long, so I guess we will be busy these next few weeks. :-)
Do you have special girl in your life you are looking to get a fun and unique gift for this holiday season? If so, why not consider picking her up a journal...well, not any simple journal, but one that comes with a magic lock to access or a fancy one that lights up at a touch of the button.
Recently, the folks at SmitCo LLC, added a handful of girls' journals to their growing line of gift ideas (including party supplies and favors) for girls of all ages. If you follow my blog regularyly you may have seen past posts on other journals we were sent, as fun party favors we shared with party goers at Savannah's 7th birthday in July. This company was started by a grandmother, and really does have an amazign selection of gift ideas at a reasonable price. I am alwasy surprised when I visit the SmitCo LLC website and see all the fun, new products added.
Like I said, I was recently sent a few of the new girls' journals added to the SmitCo LLC line up. My girls were so excited when I showed the journals to them, and how each was different and had unique features.
Savannah was quick to snatch up the pink hearts journal, which comes with a lock pad you have to slide the buttons to open and gain access to the journal inside the box.

In addition to the journal, this journal set also includes these cute butterfly stickers, which Savannah couldn't get enough of. These stickers were the first to be used up, as she ended up putting them on her bedroom wall and on the bathroom mirror, so that she could admire them. :-)

Secret Blank Journals With Passcode Lock To Keep Her Secrets Safe, For Girls Age 5 And Over, Invisible Ink Pen, Stickers, Sheet Of Decorative Jewels

Amazing, right? And, just a great deal for all that you get. Savannah really liked the lock pad feature, and said she wasn't going to tell me the code to get in. It was going to be her special big girl journal for her eyes only. :-)

Bella, on the other hand, LOVES horses and unicorns, so as soon as she saw the blue journal with the beautiful unicorn on the cover, she said that was hers.
Light-Up Unicorn Journals With 80 Blank Lined Pages
And An Invisible Ink Pen With Blue Light
To Keep Her Secrets And Dreams Safe

She also grabs the fun smiley faces journal as it reminded her of the Emoji's movie, which she could watch over and over again if I let her.
Light-Up Emoji Theme Journals With 80 Blank Lined Pages
And An Invisible Ink Pen With Blue Light
To Keep Her Secrets And Dreams Safe

Even though Bella's journals/diaries, didn't come with a secret lock pad to gain access to the pages, hers did have neat features including front covers that sparkled and lit up when you pressed a button.

She also had a magic invisible ink pen that she could write a secret message and you couldn't see unless you had the special blue light which was included with the invisible ink pen.

She thought that this was the coolest thing ever, and couldn't stop writing and passing notes with Savannah. They would giggle when I grabbed the paper and couldn't see anything. But, then they would pass their magic ink pen with blue light along and see the message written. Usually they would write things like "Sisters Forever," "Best Friends," "XOXO," and "I Love You, Sister." I loved seeing the girls get excited about these journals from SmitCo LLC .
And, you know what, it make practicing their writing and spelling for school that much more fun, as they would grab one of their journals and use this to write out their spelling lists, or jot down notes from class. I even found Bella making up her own 3-digit math problems to solve, or to secretly pass to Savannah to solve with the magic pen. If only I had thought to use journals like this earlier, it would have made the spelling and writing parts of homeschool that much easier and fun for the girls. But, now they have these journals from SmitCo LLC and can't get enough of them.

Throughout the day they are grabbing them and writing in them, and at bedtime they usually will draw pictures or write about their day, or start on lists of things they want to do and places to visit when the weekend rolls around. And, just last night the girls were using the journals to write down new toys they saw while we were out and about, and ones they saw in the toy catalogs that came in the mail. And, tomorrow we will tearing them out and putting in an envelope to send to Santa, in hopes he can fit a few extra last minute gift requests to the orders already put in and being worked on by the busy elves in his toys shop.
My girls both agree that the journals/diaries we were recently sent from SmitCo LLC are a must have for girls. And, I have seen firsthand them being used on a daily basis by my girls, and just how much they like them and the cool features and extras included with each. And, with the holidays fast approaching these journals/diaries would make a great stocking stuffer or gift under the tree for that special girl in your life. I loved having a journal/diary growing up, and love seeing my girls get excited about having their little book to write down their thoughts or doodle drawings in.

To learn more about these fun new diaries/journals from SmitCo LLC visit their website today - https://www.smitcollc.com/ .
Stay up-to-date on new product additions, special offers and giveaways and more by following SmitCo LLC on their social media channels below:
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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