"Welcome to the Lake District, home to Peter Rabbit and his pals,
Benjamin Bunny and Lily Bobtail. Tag along with this intrepid trio on
exciting adventures that teach valuable skills like reasoning, problem
solving and the value of friendship. Nickelodeon’s Peter Rabbit, a
modern take on Beatrix Potter’s beloved characters and locations – and
some new ones as well – will have you cheering along with his pals in
the first episodes from the series. Peter Rabbit is a high-stakes,
humorous, heartfelt series that will bring back childhood memories for
those familiar with the classic series, and help make new ones for a
whole new generation. Plus, this gift set also includes a Color-Your-Own
Puzzle and Crayons Pack!"
My Thoughts:
We received this DVD and Puzzle Gift Set the day before Thanksgiving, and have been watching the DVD with the girls ever since. I was hoping to keep the puzzle for a rainy day activity, but Savannah was incident that when Nana and Papa came Wednesday night, that she would color Peter Rabbit and have them help her put together the puzzle. It was so cute watching Savannah and parents piece together the puzzle. Just like I remembered as a child, my mother had Savannah find all the border puzzle pieces first, and the told her it was easier to build the frame and then add the inside puzzle pieces second. And, then when it came time to place the final pieces, two puzzle pieces were missing. My dad, like always, snuck a piece into his pocket, and so did Savannah. She saw him do this the last time, and got a good giggle out of it. So, as the two pointed fingers at each when asked who was holding out on the last two puzzle pieces, we couldn't help but laugh. Then, together they placed their final pieces, and sat back in their chairs to see the final puzzle, which had all the puzzle pieces colored earlier by Savannah, solved. Savannah was all smiles at not only putting together the jigsaw puzzle with my parents, but loved the arts and craft project prior, where she was able to color each puzzle piece.
Fans of this hit animated series of Nickelodeon with love the Peter Rabbit Gift Set, complete with DVD and Color-Your-Own Puzzle. The DVD itself is 92 minutes in length and contains the following episodes, which have already aired on Nickelodeon:
- The Tale of the Radish Robber
- The Tale of Two Enemies
- The Tale of the Greedy Fox
- The Tale of the Secret Treehouse
- The Tale of Benjamin's Strawberry Raid
- The Tale of the Lying Fox
- The Tale of the Angry Cat
- The Tale of Mr. Tod's Trap
And,when the girls watch this DVD, or the animated Peter Rabbit series, they are oftentimes wearing their Peter Rabbit pajamas.
The above Peter Rabbit shirt and matching pink pants for girls is available in both infant and toddler sizes. And, there are also sleepwear sets available for boys, too, in infant and toddler sizes. Arabella was quick to pick this shirt and pants sleepwear set when it showed it to the girls, along with the one piece footed Team Umizoomi pajamas. And, with her sensitive skin, this pajama set is great, as it lets her skin breath when she is having an eczema reaction, while keeping her warm during the cold fall/winter nights. Bella is also a huge fan of Peter Rabbit, and fell in love with the graphic Peter Rabbit tee. She couldn't stop smiling once it was one, and is quick to show it off to family and friends who visit and catch her in her pajamas in the morning, or at bedtime. I will definitely have to pick up a few more pairs of this cute sleepwear set for the girls, as well as one to give my nephew, who is another big Peter Rabbit fan. :-)
Another great Peter Rabbit gift from Nickelodeon to surprise your little ones with is:

"Every year for Christmas, Peter’s uncle delivers food and provisions to residents of the Valley. But this year, Mr. Bouncer is in no shape to do much of anything, not with his terrible cold. So it’s Peter and his cousin Benjamin to the rescue when they vow to brave a blizzard to get the job done. Along the way, they need to hold on to their list while they try to steer clear of mean Mr. Tod, the sneaky fox who’d like nothing better than rabbit for his holiday supper. Thankfully, they meet a new friend, Lily Bobtail, along the way. And just in time, since Peter has lost the list and Lily has found it, memorizing practically everything on it before the ink started running from the wet snow! Now the threesome are off to the store and then the Valley’s residents to deliver everyone’s holiday goodies, before heading home to their own special Christmas dinner. -- Available on iTunes: http://bit.ly/1ah3mqb."
You can also purchase this holiday special on DVD from Amazon right now for only $30.00. I just picked up a copy of this DVD, and can't wait to receive to watch with the girls, as we wait for Santa's arrival.
Stay tuned, as I will be sharing a couple more Nickelodeon Gift Ideas, which will include products from the hit animated series, Team Umizoomi and Bubble Guppies.
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
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