Zimmiz are a lovable alien race that crash-landed on Earth while searching for their lost twins. Zimmiz are extremely cheeky and love to play tricks on one another. "
Grab your Zimmi and try the following:
* Feed Zimmi exotic food
* Tickle Zimmi till he lets off steam :)
* Turn Zimmi upside-down
* Shake Zimmi round and round
You can:
* Press his Birthmark to start and stop actions
* Hug Zimmi
* Play with Itchy Zimmi
* Interact with Sleeping Zimmi
* See what else you can discover!
Zimmiz have a unique chameleon-like ability to change the way they look to match the environment. Go to MYOZ and customize your Zimmi by changing:
* the color of Zimmi’s eyes
* the color of Zimmi’s skin
* the shape of Zimmi’s nose
* the shape of Zimmi’s lips
* the style of Zimmi’s teeth
Zimmi Says
* Do what Zimmi says but only when Zimmi says!
More game coming soon!!!
* Hide & Seek
* Ask Zimmi
* Musical Zimmi
* Zimmi Memory
My Thoughts:
A couple of weeks ago, I shared my thoughts on the FREE Zimmiz app, which my daughters love playing with on our iPhone and iPads. If you missed my review, click here to read it now -- http://www.inspiredbysavannah.com/2013/01/check-out-app-from-out-of-this-world.html. Shortly after I shared my review, I was sent the Zimmiz plush iPhone/iPod holder from Big Foot Toys to make interacting with these little guys even more fun for the girls. As soon as the girls saw me taking this plush green toy out of the box, they wondered what it was. It wasn't until I slipped my iPhone into the pillow and tapped on the app, that they began to giggle and requesting to hold it.
In a instance like this, I had wished I had two Zimmiz plush toys on hand, as the girls began to fight over who held it first and for how long. But, after they both had turns and began playing with it, I found my youngest daughter drift away and want to play with the Zimmiz app on the iPad as it was on a bigger screen. I also have a pillow holder for the iPad, to help protect it in case it is dropped. Usually I don't let the girls hold the iPhone as I am afraid they will drop it while running around and break or scratch the screen. But, once I placed the phone in this cute little plush holder, which can be purchased through the official Zimmiz website, at a Build-a-Bear store, and now Amazon for only $24.95, I didn't mind the girls running around the house with the phone, as it was protected by this product.

Even though the girls like this app, and continually play with it on the iPad, I found that they lost interest in the Zimmiz plush toy, and opted to use the free iPad over the green Zimmiz after a short while. I am guessing they liked the bigger screen, as it was easier for their little fingers to tap and interact with their Zimmiz friend on the iPad, rather than my phone. I hope down the road that they come out with a Zimmiz plush toy holder for the iPad, as I would definitely buy it for the girls. But, in the meantime, they continue to play here and there with this cute toy, but not as much as I would have hoped and expected for a $24.94 toy. Maybe if they were a little older, they would find it more fun. Do you have this for your child? And, if so, what was/is their reaction to it? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
---BUY NOW---

You can purchase this Zimmiz toy in green currently, with pink and blue Zimmiz becoming available in Nov. 2013, for only $24.95, through the official Zimmiz website, at a local Build-a-Bear store, and now Amazon.

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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