Wednesday, November 29, 2023

OG Slimes Offer One-of-a-Kind, Non-Toxic Slimes in Varying Scents, Textures and Themes, with Fun Add/Mix-Ins -- Makes for Great Stocking Stuffers! (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

OG Slimes elevates the slime game by creating one-of-a-kind, non-toxic slimes in various scents, colors and textures. 

Do your kids love slime?  My youngest daughter can't get enough of this stuff!  Either she is making her own slime, or saving up her allowance to buy slime drops from some of her favorite YouTube and Instagram Slime Makers or various slime websites she follows.  And, each and every day new slime makers are popping up online or new online stores are adding new product drops or subscription boxes -- so, you really have to stay on top of this slime trend as it is ever changing...and so fun to collect and play with.

Recently, we were sent two slime samples from OG Slimes.  Even though I thought my daughter knew all about the different companies out there, she had never heard of OG Slimes. So, she was eager to help me review the slimes they sent, and share her thoughts on how they compared to other slimes out there.

We were sent their Charcoal Clay Mask and Mangonada slimes to sample - both which have sold out, like so many other OG Slimes on their website. Like other slime drops, you really have to be quick when OG Slimes drops new slime offerings, as they sell out fast.  We know this as my daughter bought up a few other OG Slime containers after we received the two OG Slime samples, as she really liked the look and feel of their slimes.  Plus, she said the add ins and creativeness of the slimes made them stand out compared to other slime companies and big slime makers out there.  

Even though I am not big into slime like she is, I played with the slime along with her and have to say this isn't like the slime I played with as a kid.  The texture of this slime is amazing. And, it gives that "icy" sound you want you hear when you push your fingers into the container of slime.  If you click on the third thumbnail in the charcoal clay mask slime listing you will be able to hear the "icy" sound my daughter was trying to school me on -- I had no idea what my daughter was talking about at first, but then she showed me, and I could see why slime is the rage and how there are good slimes and low-quality slimes -- and, OG Slimes are high up on her list now for when she wants to add new slime to hear growing collection.

In addition to the sound and feel of the slime, these slimes from OG Slimes smell amazing.  As far as the two samples we were sent, the Mangonada smelled like mangonada, and the charcoal clay mask had a nice white sage lavender scent.  My daughter said the scents were not overpowering, and even after daily play, days later the scent was still there and smelled like it did on day 1.  Other slimes she says lose their scent after you start playing with it, so she was really impressed with the scents of these slime.

My daughter also said she liked the different slime themes that OG Slimes sells, as she hasn't seen anything like the ones OG Slimes offers anywhere else.  They are so fun and unique. Plus, the price is great too, with most slimes ranging between $14.99 and $19.99.  We have attended a handful of slime conventions over the years, I was shocked at the cost of itty bitty containers of slime that we ended up having to throw out a week or later.  These slimes from OG Slimes are 7 oz. each, and are filled to the brim.  Plus, most include mix ins or add ins that elevate the slimes and offer even more fun when playing with them.

Overall, we had a great experience sampling the slimes from OG Slimes, and now a handful of the recent slime releases ended up on my daughter's wish list for Christmas.  She reminded me daily to get my order in as she knew they would sell out -- and thankfully I listened to her, as they did sell out in record time.  Now to wait to see what new slimes they release as the holidays draw near, as I know we will be racing to add them to our shopping cart and check out like so many other OG Slimes fans.  

If you have a child who loves slimes --- good quality slime -- then, you will want to have the OG Slimes bookmarked, to order from their next slime drop. These slimes will also make for great stocking stuffers.  

Even if your kids aren't huge slime fans like my daughter, once they feel and play around with this slime, they will be hooked and want to get more.  So, be ready for that! :-)


More About OG Slimes:

Break the mold after your Friday night dinners and get into some slime!  OG Slimes elevates the slime game by creating one-of-a-kind, non-toxic slimes in various scents, colors and textures. The ultimate sensory activity, slime is great for imaginative kids and adults looking to entertain themselves. Announcing new themes every week, slime lovers can enjoy old favorites or new collections each week. All are made with non-toxic materials for safe exposure. Shop OG Slimes' amazing slime collection now for every festivity! 

Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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