Thursday, December 2, 2021

Puzzles are Great Boredom Busters for Kids -- Check Out These Two Dog Puzzles from Laurence King -- Perfect for Kids of All Ages! (Review)

 Disclosure: I was sent samples from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

I think I have found the sure fire way to keep my girls entertained and getting along...puzzles. :-)  Ever since I pulled out the card table during COVID and set up a puzzle to work on, I have found the girls will sit down either alone or together to work on a puzzle in progress when they are bored. And, usually when one sees the others working quietly on the puzzle, they want to join them, in hopes of being able to place the last puzzle piece, or say they put together the most sections. :-)

Thanks to two recent dog and cat puzzles sent from the folks at Laurence King, I haven't heard the girls say they are bored as much. And, whenever the puzzles are being worked on, they actually work together to complete them, without fighting...which for a parent is a sight to be seen. :-)

Buy now for only $16.99 from Laurence King

Being huge dog and cat lovers, I knew my oldest daughter especially would go crazy for the "The A to Z of Dogs" 58-piece jigsaw puzzle and the "299 Dogs and a Cat: A Canine Cluster Puzzle (which includes 300 pieces in total)...and, that she was!  

Buy now from Amazon for only $20.25

As soon as she saw me take these two puzzles out the box sent by Laurence King, she was quick to ask to put away one of the puzzles we had recently finished and left out to admire a lit bit longer, as she really wanted to put together these two puzzles.  Because they both didn't have  a lot of pieces, she knew she would be able to whip them out in no time.

She first worked on the hot-dog style puzzle and was able to complete that one in record time.  Once she was done, she took time to admire the different breeds of dogs featured in the completed, which stretched out the long way on our table, and reminded her of our own brown Dachshund who was laying under the table, keeping her company. :-)

The other puzzle was a little bit more challenging, and needed the help of her sister to complete.  

Well, she could have done it on her own, but once her sister saw her start working on this puzzle and saw how it wasn't your stand interlocking jigsaw puzzle pieces, she was curious and wanted to take a closer look.  

Then, when she saw pieces that went together, she couldn't help but pull up a seat and work alongside her sister, until they completed this puzzle, too.

My girls have both both of these dog puzzles, on their own and together, countless times, since receiving the samples in the mail.  Each and every time they complete the puzzles, they feel accomplished and enjoy admiring the playpul pups.  

Out of all the puzzles we have completed during COVID, these two are my girls' favorites.  We even picked up the 299 Cats and a Dog puzzle for the girls to complete after seeing how much they liked the 299 dogs and a cat one.

With the holidays fast approaching, why not consider picking up a few puzzles for your kids to enjoy.  Yes, toys are nice, but your kids will get tired of them soon enough. Then, what will they have to do?...a puzzle is always a great boredom buster, and has really helped keep my girls entertained and not fighting.  

And, these two dog puzzles are perfect for kids of all ages to work on.  You can learn more about these and other fun puzzles for kids (and adults) available from Laurence King by visiting

 Disclosure: I was sent samples from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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