Has your child started to loose their baby teeth, or is their first tooth getting loose? If you said "Yes," to either question, and you have been looking for a fun new way to celebrate and share the fun of losing their baby teeth with them, then I have the perfect gift for you to pick up gift them...The Toothless Monster. :-)
I have two girls, and my oldest daughter was quick to lose a lot of her baby teeth due to her always falling and hitting her face and knocking either her teeth out, or loosening them. I think I got a lot of gray hairs on my head a couple years back when she took a couple tumbles that had me wondering if she permanently damaged her adult teeth that were like shark teeth coming in behind her baby teeth up top. It was touch and go on one occasion, as we had to wait and see if her nerves/roots would stay affected. Knock on wood, though, she got (and I) got through this and she has thankfully not taken any more tumbles that have loosened her teeth. She went to the dentist a few months back and he said she is done loosing teeth for a while, and should lose the rest in a couple years. So, I am hoping this holds true.
While loosing teeth was stressful with my oldest, as they weren't your usually baby tooth gets wiggly and then you fidget with it until it comes out, but loosened by unexpected trauma, it didn't give us time to really think how we wanted to address what happens when she finally started to loose her baby teeth. As a child, I had a tooth fairy that came and left change under my pillow in exchange for my teeth. But, my husband who was from El Salvador didn't have a tooth fairy. He wondered if there were other fun ways or traditions to start with the girls when they lost teeth. But, we weren't expecting the need for a tooth fairy or other option so soon, but when the teeth started to fall out and rather consistently, we opted to go with the standard tooth fairy. But, we did say that with our youngest, we would look for other things to do to celebrate this milestone with her.
My youngest daughter was late in loosing her tooth, and only started to loose them this year. We started off by using the tooth fairy, until my youngest started to ask lots of questions, like "What does she do with all the teeth?, "Does she have her own teeth?," "Where does she get all the money", and "Why do other kids not have a tooth fairy, or get toys in place of money?" With so many questions, we were looking for away to answer her questions. It wasn't until I stumbled upon the Toothless Monster last month, that I turned to my husband and said, I found our new alternative tooth fairy tradition to do with our youngest.
What is the Toothless Monster?:
"TOOTHLESS MONSTER (www.toothlessmonster.com), a delightful combination of storytelling book, plush toy and collecting that’s ideal for a families whose kids are losing their baby teeth. Indeed, it keeps the “Tooth Fairy” alive for many years."
The boxed set includes a hardcover book, plush monster and a set of teeth for the monster.
Remember the Toothless Monster does not replace the Tooth Fairy, but, rather adds to the fun, imaginative conclusion to the question many kids ask..."What does the Tooth Fairy do with all the teeth?" Well, now you can answer this question, and they can see what happens for themselves when they see their Toothless Monster's mouth fill each time the Tooth Fairy pays a visit, by adding a new tooth to its mouth.
After sharing all about the Toothless Monster with my husband and showing him the set with plush Meli monster I was recently sent to review, we both agreed that this is what we had been looking for, and couldn't wait to share it with our girls. My girls see all the products sent to our house for review, and had seen this box on my office desk, so they were both quick to ask about it. We sat them down one night and as my daughter wiggled a loose tooth, we read the story.

And, before we could get to the end of the story, we had another loose tooth on our hands, and one happy little girls ready to try out her new Toothless Monster tradition.
That night at bed, our daughter put her tooth in the secret pouch located under the Monster's tongue (this area securely holds the tooth until the Tooth Fairy removes it). I really loved this idea, as I spent countless attempts with our oldest trying to play MacGyver and move her without waking her just to find the tooth in the baggy she put under her pillow. With her being a light sleeper, Tooth Fairy time was never fun for me, as I was always afraid I would wake her, and she never made it easy for me to slip the tooth in baggy out and slide her money from the fairy under her pillow. But, with this secure spot to hold the tooth, I didn't have to worry about struggling to find the tooth or digging under pillows for it.
There is even an option to buy fun glow in the dark teeth for your child's monster, too!
I could go on and on about just how great the Toothless Monster is and how this is a fun new Tooth Fairy tradition to add to the mix with your family, but, instead, why not pick up the The Toothless Monster book and plush set from Three Little Hens today and check it out for yourself. Once you see this cute book and plush set in person, you will see why my girls love the addition of the Toothless Monster to our Tooth Fairy tradition, as well as so many other kids who have been gifted this cute set. You can learn more about the Toothless Monster by visiting www.toothlessmonster.com.
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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