Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Back to School Must Haves -- #1 An Alarm Clock So Your Kids Don't Miss the Bus! (Review)

Disclosure:  I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

Are your kids back to school yet?  Most of New England kids will be heading back to school next week.  My girls will also be starting back at their homeschooling.  While they are sad that summer is coming to an end and that they have to start back at school, they are excited to see their friends in Girl Scouts and their other extra curricular programs/classes.  Many parents, including myself have been spending the past week trying to get our kids back on a routine, to make transitioning back to school easier (hopefully).  We have be trying to get the girls to bed at a descent hour, as summer left them going to bed at 10:30 or after.  Even though they would wake early, around 6 AM, they woke groggy and grouchy due to being overtired.  Then, they spent the morning  laying around watching television, coloring or crafting, until we had to do stuff.  But, they will not have this luxury of laying around when school starts, as many classes are in the AM and an hour away, so we have to wake early to drive and make it to class on time.

To help get my girls back on a sleep schedule I have introduced an alarm clock into the mix.  Now that they are getting older, we are giving them more responsibilities, including having them get up and get themselves ready in the AM.  But, I don't want them waking so early, that they drag all morning.  So, I thought if they have an alarm clock to wake up to and shut off, this will help get them to wake in the AM well-rested and ready to start the day.  Do your kids use an alarm clock?  If not, and you want to give one a try and see if it helps your child wake on time for school, you should take a look at the different alarm clocks from Seiko.

Recently, we were sent the Coca Cola travel alarm clock, which retails for only $25.  


Sieko and The Cola Cola Company have recently collaborated, to celebrate both being in business for 130 years (WOW!).  In addition to the little red travel clock we were sent to review, here are some of the other new Coca Cola products that are now available from the Seiko website, just in time for back to school....

  • Coca Cola Alarm Clock -- Available in Red or White and features and alarm, snooze function and light

  • Coca Cola Alarm Clock - Travel Version available in Red, White or Black and features an alarm, snooze function and light.

My girls were excited when they saw their new Coca Cola alarm clock.  And, they helped me set it up so they could try it out.  The next day they did wake early, but layed in bed until they heard the clock alarm go off.  The next day, they woke and checked the clock and saw that they still had time to sleep, so rolled over and slept until the alarm went off.  Slowly but surely, the girls are finally getting back to a bedtime routine that will have their ready to start their school day well rested, and ready to go, thanks in part to their new alarm clock.

Even if you are or your kids are not big Coca Cola fans, Seiko offers a wonderful selection of alarm clocks and even watches, that would make going back to school easier, as they will help you keep time with style.  So, what are you waiting for?  Head on over to the Seiko website to browse their selection of alarm clocks and watches, including the new Coca Cola alarm clocks (including wall, table and travel versions).  I will be buying another travel clock so that each of my girls have their own clocks to control and use.

Disclosure:  I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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