I was recently sent a book from the folks at Fox Chapel Publishing, and have to say that I was impressed. Usually the picture books I am sent to share with my girls and readers are cute and fun to read, but this particular book is not like any other picture book I have shared with my girls, in that it spreads the positive message of diversity and sharing about how people are all different in color, shape, beliefs, etc., but shouldn't be prejudiced against -- a really powerful message, especially with the world that we live in now and all the political turmoil going on between both parties.
I was eager to check out this picture book not just because of its unique theme discusses, but also because I knew it would be a great talking point with my girls, who have found themselves in situations where they have felt different or out of place, as they are part Latina thanks to their dad being from El Salvador. Many of the classes they participate in don't provide a diverse group of ethnic backgrounds. So, whenever they walk in to a new group, they feel they are being looked at and judged differently because their skin color is different than mine and the other kids. But, slowly they have been more comfortable in these groups, as they are seeing that just because their skin color is different, they are still a human being and shouldn't feel any less worth because of their differences...instead, they are embracing their differences and seeing that these are making them unique and special.
Here is more about this wonderful new picture book that all parents, caregivers and teachers should pick up and share with their children, as it will remind them that we may all look different on the outside, but we are all human and should treat each other with dignity and respect, and expect the same in return. And, be sure to check out the "Conversation Starters for Parents" at the back of the book for questions you can ask your child in order to get a dialogue going about the book and its message of diversity.
The questions are also great to use with your children for reading comprehension. I am so glad I had the opportunity to read this book and share it with my girls, and have since passed it around to friends and family to enjoy.
About the book:
"A new picture book from Happy Fox Books, THE WALL: A TIMELESS TALE, is riling up some people to its message that border walls create divided kingdoms.
This light-hearted children's book is being called "Anti-Trump" on Breitbart earlier this week with commenters calling it a "leftist fairy tale," sparking various comment arguments, and even being listed on a conservative "ban" list for libraries.
In actuality, the book is hoping to spread a positive message of diversity, but due to the content, it's getting swept up in current political conversations. The book includes a 3D pop-up wall in the spine of the book that gets erected by a king who wants to banish people who don't look like him. But then, the pop-up wall disappears as the king later decides he wants to tear down the wall. After all, his kingdom is much more lovely when it's filled with diverse and talented people, he realizes."
"Wonderful things can be accomplished when people come together! That's the important lesson to be found inside The Wall:
- THE BENEFITS OF DIVERSITY: Helps children understand the societal benefits of diversity through a fun and moving story about a misguided king
- THE BARRIERS BETWEEN US: Illustrates the unintended consequences of the walls—figurative and literal—between people, and why we all need each other
- THE PERFECT BEDTIME STORY: Simple yet profound illustrations visually engage kids, for a beloved bedtime story with an important moral
- KIDS WILL WANT TO READ IT OVER AND OVER: The pop-up wall adds an exciting dimension, making for an even more interesting read and bringing kids back to the book again and again
In this poignant and timely story, a king banishes anyone who is different from him and has a wall built to keep them out of his kingdom.
Soon, he sees that without people with various types of talents and expertise, his realm can no longer flourish!
Realizing his mistake, he orders the wall to be knocked down so he can meet and thank all the talented people that make his community beautiful.
With engaging illustrations packed with fun thumbprint faces, a pop-up wall, and an important lesson about diversity that's relevant to the world today, The Wall will help children see how a society can be harmed when barriers are built, but thrive when everyone works together.
From the same authors of the popular children's books We Are All Dots and Mario and the Aliens, Giancarlo Macri and Carolina Zanotti provide more tender wisdom in The Wall, along with the colorful visual aid of illustrators Mauro Sacco and Elisa Vallarino."
Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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