Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

A couple weeks ago, my girls were at an outside homeschool class, and the teacher went around the room asking the kids what their favorite school subject was. When it came to my 6.5 year old daughter to answer, she said, "I love quantum physics." The teacher was taken aback by this as she never expected to hear someone say this, especially a young child. She asked my daughter what she liked about it, and my daughter started telling her about the Einstein and light, Sir Isaac Newton, and how quantum physics is all around us and is still a mystery. The teacher couldn't believe it, and loved how my daughter was talking so passionately about it.
After class she stopped me to tell me about Bella sharing her favorite subject and asked what curriculum I was using that included Quantum Physics, for such a young age group. I told her it wasn't a curriculum, but instead a book I got a couple months ago from Button Books, and that the girls have really taken too, and enjoy using as part of our schooling.
The book, "My First Quantum Physics" is broken down into different topics - 28 in total -- and cover topics like the following:
The book, "My First Quantum Physics" is broken down into different topics - 28 in total -- and cover topics like the following:
- Planck's Quantra
- The Mystery of Light
- Photons
- Waves or Particles?
- The Structure of the Atom
- The Periodic Table
- The Tunnel Effect
- Schrodinger's Cat
- Modern Physics
Now you would think just by reading these topics that it wouldn't be of interest to young. But, you are wrong. This book is written especially for young children, to introduce them to the key concepts of quantum physics, in the easiest and most entertaining way possible. When we first got this book, my girls weren't that interested based on the title, but when we started to read the book, they were hooked, and didn't want to put it down. My youngest is all about famous people in history, so she was happy to see Einstein in the book, as well as Marie Curie included in this book.
Here is more about this book, made especially for kids ages 8+ (along with their parents), and now available for purchase online at Button Books and other online retailers. It isn't meant to be an academic book, but instead an introduction to quantum physics, which will probably branch out into outside learning on topics covered.
"The world of quantum physics is an amazing place, where quantum particles can do weird and wonderful things, acting totally unlike the objects we experience in day-to-day life. How can atoms exist in two places at once? And just how can a cat be dead and alive at the same time? Find out more with this entertaining illustrated guide to the fascinating, mysterious world of quantum physics."
I could go on and on about just how great this book is, and how my girls are learning so much, and really getting excited about science as a whole, and putting into perspective how things work in the world. They like taking a topic and reading about in the book -- usually a topic is covered in a page or two -- and then doing additional research about the topic to learn more. We watch videos we find online, do scientist studies, and even experiments for a hands-on learning experience. I love seeing the girls get so excited about it, and even though my oldest is not a fan of math, by utilizing this book in our homeschool studies, she is building up her math skills when working on topics like the periodic table, counting atoms, or figuring out molecular structures.
It was nice to hear from a teacher tell me how passionate my girls were about quantum physics, and then ask if they could borrow the book, to share with the class, and learn key concepts in quantum physics for themselves. I was happy to share the book, and was even happier to see my daughters' class really getting into the book, just like my girls have, thanks to the bright and colorful illustrations and diagrams, and explanations of concepts written for kids ages 8+ to understand.
If your children love science or are just curious about the world around them, then you should consider picking up this Button Books children's book, "My First Quantum Physics Book" by Sheddad Kaid-Salah Ferron and Eduard Altarriba. My girls give it two thumbs up, as do I !

To learn more about this and other wonderful children's books that are not only fun, but educational, head on over to www.buttonbooks.co.uk today. They even have a solar system book coming out in October that is along the same lines as the quantum physics book. I can't wait to pick up and share this book with my girls, too.
I am happy to have stumbled upon this children's publishing company, and have loved all the books we have gotten so far from them. Stay tuned as I will be sharing more Button Books reviews in the coming weeks as I kick off my annual "Welcome in Fall with a Good Book" feature.

I am happy to have stumbled upon this children's publishing company, and have loved all the books we have gotten so far from them. Stay tuned as I will be sharing more Button Books reviews in the coming weeks as I kick off my annual "Welcome in Fall with a Good Book" feature.
Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
This looks like a great book. My oldest grandson would love this.