With the holidays comes a lot of arts and crafts and baking in our house. And, you know what that means if you have young children -- clothes will get dirty and probably stained. Even with smocks and aprons, the girls seem to get food coloring dye on their shirt sleeves or paint and even permanent marker all over their clothes. Just last night I was soaking my youngest daughter's clothes and couldn't believe how many stains she had on her clothes. You would never know she was 6 years old. There was a grape juice stain on her pants and she was trying to cradle a cup of juice in her lap while having a snack on the couch. The couch and her pants ended up wearing more of the juice than she actually drank. And, earlier in the day we were working on homemade Christmas cards to mail to out to their homeschooling friends, and my two girls managed to get permanent marker on their clothes. They thought it would be fun to pretend the markers were swords and swatted them back and forth, thus landing them on their clothes instead of the paper. They totally forget we were using permanent marker and thought it was washable so I wouldn't be upset. Then, I reminded them this wasn't the cause and the marker would stain...that was unless I got it soaking and the run through the wash with my miracle stain remover -- Biz.

The girls picked up the scraps from their card making, while I jumped into stain remover mode and brought their clothes into the laundry room. I first tried to run the stains under water after dobbing their shirts with dish soap detergent. I was hopeful it was going to be an easy fix, but it wasn't. I knew the only hope to get these stains, along with the grape and food stains from earlier in the day was reaching for Biz to add to the washer along with my favorite free and clear detergent. I washed the clothes on cold, even though they say not to use cold water as it sets in stains. But, I knew with Biz being added to the mix that it would help remove the stains.

The girls were so upset that their favorite clothes were ruined...that was until I showed them their clothes later that night and they looked good as new, without any stains. They were all smiles and said "Mom saves the day again," before giving me a thank you hug. While I should have told them that Biz was the reason for their clean, stain-free clothes, I accepted their praise for a job well done...as I put the laundry on, followed by drying and folding the clothes...so in a way, I helped the process along. :-)
With the holidays fast approaching many families will find themselves in the same predicament as me with stained clothes at the end of the day. These will probably be your kids' favorite clothes and they will be devastated. But, turn those sad faces with tears streaming down their cheeks to happy faces with a grin from ear to ear, when you reach for Biz to help tackle even the toughest of holiday stains. I have been using Biz for almost a year now and haven't been disappointed yet. It is my go-to to remove air pit sweat stains on my husband's gym clothes, and all the different spills and messes that wind up on my girls' clothes.
To learn more about Biz including the different stains this stain remover works great on removing, its active ingredients and most importantly where you can find Biz in a store near you, visit http://bizstainfighter. com/ today. Once you try Biz you will see why I, and so many other family's can't live without this stain-fighting product. So, make a point to add Biz to your shopping list and pick up the next time you go food shopping. It is one investment you will be glad you made!

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Disclosure: I was provided with samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
I have a house full of boys - so we get a lot of stains! I've never tried Biz, but I'm willing to try anything to help keep my boys' clothes clean. Thanks for the recommendation!