If you follow my blog then you know that I homeschool my girls. I have been doing so since they were in pre-school, and have loved every minute of it. What I especially love about this next to being able to spend more quality time on a daily basis with the girls, is that I get to tailor their learning based on what they like. Instead of just pushing papers each day or having them sit at a desk for 6+ hours a day, the girls are always on the move or doing something fun and that they actual enjoy...all while learning. We travel to local museums and attractions when kids are in school and they are less packed, giving us the opportunity to linger at different exhibits and really read and learn about different things. Recently, my girls have shown interest in dinosaurs, partly because their best friend, who is also homeschooled, loves dinosaurs, but also because I took them to a local children's museum who had a dino exhibit and they thought it was really cool. They had so many questions about dinosaurs and wanted to learn more. Unfortunately, I am not up on my dinosaur studies, so I took to the Internet to find resources and fun things I could do with the girls centered around dinosaurs. My search led me to Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club, a monthly subscription service, which sends your child a box filled with dinosaur goodies including books, fun facts about a particular dinosaur each month, a toy to go with the dino you are learning about that month, and even a personalized certificate. I thought this was the coolest thing, especially because I had never seen or heard about the Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club, and I knew I wasn't the only parent out there with curious dinosaur fans.
I reached out the folks at Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club and they graciously offered to send me two month's of their boxes for my review. They even were kind enough to send a separate box for each of my girls, that way they would each get mail and a monthly kit with toy that they wouldn't have to share. I don't know about you, but my girls love getting mail. Heck, I love getting mail, too, minus the bills. :-) Shortly after talking to the folks at Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club, my girls' first month box arrived. It was all about the T-Rex, which my girls couldn't wait to learn about.
Curious to see what is inside a box from the Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club? Take a look at all the wonderful goodies you get, and that dino fans of all ages will love unwrapping each month...
My girls loved that they each had their own box and because I homeschool them, having their own separate workbooks and coloring books made it easy for me use the material in their boxes as part of lesson on the T-Rex, as part of school. I didn't have to go online and order another copy of each book or toy, or spend hours making photocopies. And, when we were done learning about the T-Rex, I presented my girls with their personalized membership certificate which they could show off to family and friends and display proudly on the wall in their rooms.
Like I said, I spent a day utilizing the books and toy that came in this month's Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club kit. Not really having much knowledge about dinosaurs I especially liked the DinoZone Tyrannosaurus Rex book, which included full color pages all about dinosaurs with a focus on the T-Rex.
This educational book has 32 pages in total, including a glossary section at the end. My girls and I learned about the world in which the T-Rex lived, how the T-Rex looked, about their tremendous teeth, their super senses, and how they were fierce fighters.
I was amazed at the wealth of T-Rex knowledge a child will learn when they read through this easy to understand book. This is definitely one book I will be using again and keeping for reference. When we were done learning all about the T-Rex, we were ready for fun stuff. I let the girl use the sticker activity book to create their own dino scenes.
Then, they took turns telling me about their scenes created and sharing fun dino facts they learned and that stood out to them in our earlier learning that day. After we were done with the sticker fun, I found a few T-Rex crafts to do with the girls from Pinterest. It was fun being able to focus on one dinosaur at a time, that way not to get the girls confused about the different dinosaurs the roamed the Earth.
After crafting the girls pulled out their crayons and spent time coloring in the pages of the Dinosaurs of the Cretaceous Era coloring/story book which was included in their first month's Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club kit.
When they were done coloring and bringing the pages to life with color, we sat down on the couch and read the story. This was another great learning tool to educate the girls about dinosaurs and reinforce things we learned about the T-Rex early in the day. My girls especially loved this activity as they loved being able to use their creativity in coloring in each page. Each of their pages were colored differently, which made them want me to read the story twice, so that we could see how each of my chose to color the dinosaurs. And, as we read through the book, they pointed out their favorite dinosaurs and asked further questions, which we hope to find answers to with future Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club shipments.

My girls really enjoyed their first Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club shipment, and are looking for the second box which will be all about Stegosaurus. I wonder what we will be learning about this particular dinosaur, and more importantly, what books and toy the girls will get. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy the T-Rex books and plastic dino they were sent. Their fondness and curiosity for dinosaurs has only grown more as a result of the Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club, and I can't wait for them to learn more about dinosaurs with the help of this monthly subscription service.
If you have a dinosaur fan in your life and are looking for a unique gift to give them this holiday season, why not consider signing them up for the Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club. You can order 1 box to give it a try, or order all 15 dino boxes available. Each box is only $19.95, which makes it a steal for the high-quality books and plastic dinosaur you receive.
I have seen plastic dinosaurs like the one my girls received going for $10+. And, when I saw that you get this type of toy along with a few books all for $19.95, I thought this is amazing deal, and one I needed to make sure my readers knew about.
To learn more about the Kids Dinosaur Of The Month Club and to sign your child up today visit https://www.kidsdinosaurofthemonthclub.com/.
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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