"Max Rhymes, a book series, are simple, yet very effective rhymes for ages 0-7 and written to create a positive belief system & a positive self-image, whereby the process is scientifically proven to work."
We received a copy of "Get Inspired with Max" to enjoy together. As soon as Bella saw Max the mouse on the front cover, she was letting out "Oh how cute is he." She couldn't wait to hear the story.
So, we snuggled up on the couch and read this cute board book together. Bella loved the rhyming text of the story, along with the added interactive feature of having to find Max's missing stack of books on each page. This hide and seek feature made her really stop and enjoy the illustrations and tie the text I just read to her to what she was seeing. This really helped her grasp the positive messages and lessons that this book was trying to share with young children ages 0-7.
This book has become a favorite of Bella's and she has me read it to her every night. And, when I am not reading it to her, she is toting it around to tell her version of the story she remembers me telling to her dolls and stuffed animal, or practically anyone willing to listen to her. She also loves to bring it in the car with her, as it is small and easy to carry around.
We have had this book for over a month now, and I have to say that I can see it has really helped Bella learn core values like manners, gratitude and responsibilty. She is saying "please" and "thank you" more, and just the other day when we were at the yogurt shop, she was bouncing around and not paying attention, and knocked over her bowl of yogurt onto the floor. Instead of whining and complaining, she accepted that she was acting out when she shoudl have been sitting and enjoying her yogurt. In the past she would have demanded another bowl, but this time she said "Mommy, it was my fault and I have to accept that. No need to get me another bowl. I will sit and not act out next time, so this will not happen again." I was taken aback by her remark and then she reminded me that she learned this from the "Get Inspired by Max" book. She said, "Remember the part in the book where Max dropped the ice cream." It was hit fault his ice cream got over his friend's shirt and fell to the ground as he wasn't paying attention while walking. She said he should have found a bench or seat to sit down and eat his ice cream before walking.
This is just one of many occasions where Bella has reminded me of this book and how some of the events in Max's day to day interactions with others, related to her. I love hearing her talk about this book and telling me reasons for this book to be created. She understands it is a helpful tool for parents to share with little ones to teach them about responsibility and self worth. She is already asking for me to buy the other Max Inspired books available.

(Available April 2017)
More about the Max Inspired series:
"Did you know that 95% of our behavioral patterns are established by age 6?
So when you couple that with what we all experience with rudeness, road rage, bullying, angry airplane passengers, and insults to people of differing views – it's clear we need to start early to regain our nation’s values and civility.
To make changes, we must teach our children, and brain science tells us that the best time to teach children is from birth to age seven -- or even in utero, since babies recognize words, sounds and feelings while in the womb.
And to reach children, it also needs to be fun.
In Get Inspired with Max, Max shows us how he admits when he's wrong, uses his imagination to take him to a better place, and believes in himself.
Through the process of repetition, your child will be inspired to do the same and learn how to create a wonderful life.
So here’s a great new fun way to reach out to kids -- a series of cute board books featuring easy-to-remember rhymes for little ones featuring Max and his little sister Molly and other adorable animal characters. Written by Todd and Jackie Courtney to create a positive belief system and positive self-image, they even call the books “self-help books for toddlers!”
Check out all the Max Rhymes books here: https://www.inspirationalnurse ryrhymes.com
About the Author:

Jacqueline “Jackie” Courtney, was born and raised in San Jose, CA. and has spent most of her life as an elementary school teacher in the grades of kindergarten through 3rd grade. With her talents as a teacher and private tutor, specializing in the area of reading, it was a natural for Jackie to follow her passion in the creation of children’s books.
Todd J. Courtney was raised in San Jose, CA for most of his life. He has spent the past 25 years as a business owner/investor and during the last 5 years, he was teaching what Wallace D. Wattles calls “thinking stuff” to business offices in San Jose. During this time of teaching, while raising three kids with his wife and teaching them the same techniques, he realized his passion lies with helping our youth understand that they too can create the life they truly dream of.
Todd and Jackie were married in 1995 and are raising 3 children in San Jose, CA. Together they are embarking on a new chapter in their lives whereby they endeavor to teach your children, through their books, many of the techniques they’ve used in raising their children.
While teaching adults for the past 5 years, it didn’t take Todd long to realize why most of our youth get trapped in the same cycles as their parents, with the primary reason being that parents cannot teach their children what they don’t know or don’t understand themselves. After researching the teen and young adult market, it seemed a lot more work needed to be done to help our youth during this time of a rapidly changing world. Todd’s premise is this; “If we expect our youth to change the world, we have to start by changing our youth.”
In addition to his first full length book, “Thinking in One Direction,” Todd created TeensCanDream.com as a “go to” site for teens to find an array of short eBooks on a variety of topics, as they seek the answers to their individual questions. This site is dedicated to all the teens, pre-teens and young adults out there who are looking for answers, but didn’t have a single source to find them.
Not stopping there and seeing how disease such as cancer, diabetes and obesity are affecting our youth at younger ages, Todd created the first ever animation video to help kids with leukemia think themselves healthy during treatment with their doctors. When asked, “Why leukemia? Does someone you know have it?” he responded with a, “No. It was just an idea in which I felt compelled to create.” With absolutely no experience on how to create an animation video, Todd explains in detail how things came about in divine order. For more information on his video go to, JustImagineIf.org.
Todd J. Courtney was raised in San Jose, CA for most of his life. He has spent the past 25 years as a business owner/investor and during the last 5 years, he was teaching what Wallace D. Wattles calls “thinking stuff” to business offices in San Jose. During this time of teaching, while raising three kids with his wife and teaching them the same techniques, he realized his passion lies with helping our youth understand that they too can create the life they truly dream of.
Todd and Jackie were married in 1995 and are raising 3 children in San Jose, CA. Together they are embarking on a new chapter in their lives whereby they endeavor to teach your children, through their books, many of the techniques they’ve used in raising their children.
While teaching adults for the past 5 years, it didn’t take Todd long to realize why most of our youth get trapped in the same cycles as their parents, with the primary reason being that parents cannot teach their children what they don’t know or don’t understand themselves. After researching the teen and young adult market, it seemed a lot more work needed to be done to help our youth during this time of a rapidly changing world. Todd’s premise is this; “If we expect our youth to change the world, we have to start by changing our youth.”
In addition to his first full length book, “Thinking in One Direction,” Todd created TeensCanDream.com as a “go to” site for teens to find an array of short eBooks on a variety of topics, as they seek the answers to their individual questions. This site is dedicated to all the teens, pre-teens and young adults out there who are looking for answers, but didn’t have a single source to find them.
Not stopping there and seeing how disease such as cancer, diabetes and obesity are affecting our youth at younger ages, Todd created the first ever animation video to help kids with leukemia think themselves healthy during treatment with their doctors. When asked, “Why leukemia? Does someone you know have it?” he responded with a, “No. It was just an idea in which I felt compelled to create.” With absolutely no experience on how to create an animation video, Todd explains in detail how things came about in divine order. For more information on his video go to, JustImagineIf.org.
Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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