Oh, how I wish my camera ready the other day when my husband walked in and saw me holding a First Response early results pregnancy test box. He had the same look on his face two times before, when I told him that we were expecting Savannah and then Arabella in 2010 and 2011. While we had talked about and had been working on getting pregnant, there was still a sense of shock and nervousness of what's to come, that came over his face. I, too, was full of emotions...scared, nervous, excited, happy, etc., but his face said it all...and that is the same face I saw the other day, but this time with more of a surprise, as we have already decided that we are content with two girls, who keep us busy. So, the last thing he would ever expect to see me holding besides the girls or their toys :-) was a pregnancy test. But, I was quick to let him know I was sent the First Response pregnancy test as part of a review/feature for my blog. How quickly his reaction changed to that of relief. :-)

It is funny. Just by holding the pregnancy test box, I found myself thinking back to the first time I picked one up at the store to find out if we were pregnant with Savannah. Then, Savannah, who will be five years old in a couple of weeks, ran past me, and I couldn't help but tear up, as I was reminded again that my girls are growing up and no longer babies. Then, like many moms, I found myself thinking about them as babies as well as "what if's" about another baby in the house. Funny how a pregnancy test, even sent for review, can get you thinking about babies. Do you remember how you surprised your significant other with news that you were pregnant? Did you get creative or simply hand over the positive test to see their reaction?
I wish I could tell you a fun story about how I made a t-shirt for my husband that said "#1 Dad" or something else along that lines, then wrapped up and gave as a gift. Or, bought a onesie and gave it to him. These were fun surprise "we're pregnant" announcements a couple of my friends chose to go with, which I thought was clever and memorable. But, for me, after having gone through cancer treatment and being told I wouldn't be able to have children, we were hoping for a miracle when we started to try for a baby. I can't tell you how many First Response pregnancy tests I bought and took, only to see one line instead of two. The first few tests brought butterflies and hope, but when I read the test results with my husband standing by me, we were disappointed and saddened, as we thought the doctors were right and that we would not be able to conceive. But, after the 10th test in about a year's time, I was so elated when I saw the two lines that I had to made a mad dash out of the bathroom and show my husband.
When it came to finding out about Savannah, my husband was at the kitchen sink doing dishes. I handed hi the test as he took with wet soapy hands. I am not sure who screamed or squealed louder, him or I...shhh, don't tell him that :-) But, we were over the moon excited and couldn't wait for Savannah's arrival. As for Bella, we weren't trying to get pregnant...it just happened five months after we welcomed Savannah. And, this time, my husband was in bed giving Savannah her nightly bottle, when I showed him the positive pregnancy test. He was surprised at first, but then had a huge grin on his face, before his nestled Savannah close and started talking to her about how she was going to be a big sister. :-)
While I didn't have a need to take the new "6 days sooner" pregnancy test that First Response sent my way, I was able to see how the pregnancy tests have come a long way since I started using them to find out if I was pregnant. What is different and great about this new pregnancy test is that the tip is 50% wider, making it easier to pee on and make sure you got it wet enough. Also the handle is longer and has a curve to it, making it easier and more comfortable to hold when taking the test.

"Cutting-edge curved shape designed to fit a woman’s hand"
Besides finding out 6 days sooner than your missed period, the newly designed First Response test also has an easy to read window. I don't know about you, but this is one thing that always bothered with other pregnancy tests I took in the past, as the window was either too small, blurry or the actual lines were represented correctly. There were a few occasions when trying to get pregnant with Savannah that I had to look closely and see if there were two solid lines, or if one of faint, but showing up in the background.
These false-positives, especially when you are hoping for miracle and to see two lines, is a real bummer. With the new FDA-Approved pregnancy test from First Response, you simply urinate on the stick for five seconds, wait three minutes and then read the test -- two lines you are pregnant, one line you are not. How easy can it be to take a pregnancy test, and get results 6 days sooner than your missed period and in 3 minutes, with 99% accuracy ("Designed to detect all relevant forms of urinary hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) throughout pregnancy"). And, unlike other pregnancy tests that tell you to take the test first thing in the morning, you can take this pregnancy at any time of day and still get the same result. First Response is the only brand that offers this, and was the brand I used when I found out I was expecting my two girls, who are now 3.5 and almost 5 yrs. old.
Arabella Sofia, 3.5 years old
Savannah Rose, almost 5 years old
If you are trying to get pregnant or know someone who is, you will want to make a point to check out the newly designed pregnancy test from First Response. Available now at all major drugstores, mass and grocery stores, this newly designed Early Detection Pregnancy Test from First Response retails for $8.99-$15.99, depending on the number of tests in a box.

Leave it to the folks at First Response to make test taking easier when you are trying to get pregnant. What will they think of next?
Disclosure: I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for First Response. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
I am so amazed that with this product you can tell within six days if you are pregnant that is amazing.
ReplyDeleteheather [email protected]