"With today’s busy lifestyles, it’s difficult to balance nutrition and taste while managing allergies and sensitivities. But, with celiac disease and our increasing consumption with chemically-modified ingredients, it’s no wonder the world of food allergies seems to have exploded open. And, even those of us without allergies are choosing food with integrity to prevent ailments and promote good health.
All of the Bumbalooza™ products use all-natural ingredients, as many whole grains as possible, and less-fined sugars. The mixes have been hand-crated with care. We use dedicated equipment and gluten-free testing to ensure the products not only taste great, but also are safe to consume."
But, one thing I have tried hard to do is offer Gluten-free products to Bella, as things seems to work and she doesn't get sick after eating this type of food. Because of my desire to offer Gluten-free snacks and treats to the girls, my online search led me to the Bumbalooza mixes, which were created by two moms. Wanting to support fellow mom entrepreneurs, I reached out to Holly and Monique and asked if they would like to be spotlighted. Not only did they want to be spotlighted, but they also sent me a few samples of their
Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, GMO-Free Baking Mixes to try out.
These are just a handful of the mixes available for purchase from the Bumbalooza online store...

I was recently sent all by the sugar cookie mix shown above to review, and will be sharing a honest and thorough review with photos on Friday, along with a giveaway, where one lucky reader will win a Three-pack of Bumbalooza mixes to try out at home with their children.
But, in the meantime, please enjoy my Spotlight on Mom interview with Monique and Holly of Bumbalooza.
Name: Monique and Holly
Company Name/Product/Service: Bumbalooza Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, GMO-Free Baking Mixes
Company Location: Charlotte, NC
Company Website: www.bumbalooza.com
Facebook URL: www.facebook.com/bumbalooza
Twitter Handle: @bumbalooza
Age of Company: Almost our first birthday:)
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not.
Favorite Book: ?
Tell us a little bit about yourself. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.

Monique has an 8 and 10 year old;

Holly has a 5 year old.
Two moms living in Charlotte, NC trying to raise healthy little people.
Hobbies? Baking, traveling, skiing/snowboarding and Pilates.

Holly has a 5 year old.
Two moms living in Charlotte, NC trying to raise healthy little people.
Hobbies? Baking, traveling, skiing/snowboarding and Pilates.
Briefly explain your business. How did it come about?
Bumbalooza is a gluten-free, nut-free, GMO-free baking mix company based in Charlotte, NC. We are creating opportunities for families to bake, learn, and bond - even when food allergies are involved. Started by two moms, trying to make a difference. After years of struggling with cancer, food allergies, and other ailments, we found ourselves surrounded with the need to figure out cleaner eating -- eliminating gluten, GMOs, and overly processed food. When we couldn't find anything decent on the market, we took matters into our own hands and Bumbalooza was born. And, now, we are Bringing the Buzz Back Into Baking!
What is a typical work day like?
Long! We are fortunate to have a great team (our 'Bee-f-fs) that is running a million miles an hour. We launched just over six months ago and have been growing like crazy. Over 150 stores and 9000 customers in the first six months! A typical day includes fielding questions, shipping products, making products, and working with new and existing customers.
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?
So much. It's tough to start a business. Especially a business that people want to root for. We aren't taking short cuts and are trying to do things the right way. And, that's almost never the easiest way. Our products are made by people, not machines, to maintain the highest quality. :) But, establishing a manufacturing facility while in the middle of crazy growth has proven to be a challenge....We are lucky to have such a strong team pushing hard and are ready for our next big challenge.
What did you do in your past work life?
Holly -- corporate America marketing. Monique - medical field and sales.
What have been some of your major successes?
Fast growth -- we've had buyers from major grocery chains call us which is incredible. But, it's not only winning the new business, it's seeing how customers are responding. Almost every event we are at, our booth is the busiest. In stores, when customers taste, they buy (even when they aren't gluten-free). The largest success so far, though, is seeing how excited our little ones are to be part of this. They are so proud, it's sweet to see.
What have been some of your major challenges?
Getting the word out. Once people try us, they're hooked:) But, it's tough for the little guys to break through all of the noise in the market.
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?
Our families and knowing that what we are doing starts and ends with them. We know we are doing good things -- we hear it in every personal story at events and see it in every repeat customers.
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?
As with anything, it's about boundaries. Making sure that our families always come first. But, it's also about practicing what we preach. We are all about creating learning moments for our kids. And, we pull them into the business (where it makes sense) for those moments. Great example, we are hosting a class field trip to our facility (one of our kid's classes).
What is next for your business?
More growth. We are excited and ready.
Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?
It's not for the faint-hearted. There is a reason they say it is blood, sweat, and tears:) But, it's worth every second of it when you believe in what you are doing. If you are a company that people want to root for, you will be successful.
I am going to look for these I am all about GMO free foods.
ReplyDeleteheather [email protected]