Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

Ever since I was a child, I have always had a love for board games. And, for holidays, Santa and the Easter Bunny would always bring a few new games for me to play solo, or enjoy with my brothers or family. I always looked forward to our weekly game nights, where we would order pizza and pull out a handful of games to play. My brothers were fans of card games, while I was more into board games. The more challenging...the better. :-)
As I got older, I continued to ask for board games for my birthdays and Christmas, and would use my allowance money to buy games, while my brothers would buy video games. I love the quality time you can enjoy with family and friends when you pull out a game to play. And, now that I have children of my own, I have continued the tradition of game night. The girls get just as excited as I used when I tell them to go to the closet and choose a game or two to play. And, when we gather at the time, we can't help but laugh and enjoy time together, as we build great memories. :-)
So, when it comes to putting together holiday gift guides, I can't help but to include games as part of my guides. After talking with my readers over the years, I love hearing how they love playing games with their children. Many have young children like me, and love the assortment of educational games available. My recent search for board games led me to the Endless Games website.
Being a game lover, I couldn't believe I had never heard of Endless Games before. But, I am so glad I now know about Endless Games as I will be buying more games from them for now on. Offering games for children as young as 3 years old to 103, Endless Games offers card games, dice games, party games, word games, strategy games, trivia games, survey games, and pop culture games for everyone. A handful of new games have been released this year including Cupcake Race and KORNER'D. Here are some of the other new releases, now available from Endless Games:

Oddly Obvious is the wild new party game where the answers are all in your face. We give you the clues. We give you the answers! Just be the first person to identify and shout out the most correct answers to win.
Ages: 12 and Up / For 3+ Players
Ages: 12 and Up / For 3+ Players

The Game of Scruples is the “adults only” party game that will challenge your moral compass as you debate how you and your friends would react to STICKY SITUATIONS and PROVOCATIVE PREDICAMENTS!
Sit in the HOT SEAT and honestly reveal what you would do.
Win or lose, you’ll learn a lot more about your friends AND YOURSELF than you might want to!
Sit in the HOT SEAT and honestly reveal what you would do.
Win or lose, you’ll learn a lot more about your friends AND YOURSELF than you might want to!

One of the most popular game shows of all time, The Family Feud is back and better than ever in a new 4th edition from Endless Games! Chock full of survey questions from the TV game show. The survey says "Fun!"
Ages: 8 and Up / For 3 or more Players

CRAZY LEGS is a new kids game that gets players UP and MOVING! Each space on the game board represents a new physical challenge for children and families to JUMP, TWIST, SHAKE, and EXERCISE their way to victory!
I was so happy after reaching out to the folks at Endless Games, as they offered to send their Cupcake Race and KORNER'D for me to review. I knew my girls would love the Cupcake Race game.

There's a party tonight, and you (and your opponents) have been asked to bring the cupcakes. The Race is on! Be the first player to MIX, BAKE, FROST, and TOP your cupcake by visiting all 4 corners, and collect sprinkles along the way. The first player to reach the party with a completed cupcake and a sprinkle of each color wins the cherry to put on the top! "Mix it, Bake it, Frost it, Top it! So Much Fun, You Just Can't Stop It!
Ages: 4 and Up
Stay tuned as I will be sharing a review of the Cupcake Race game the end of this week.
As for the KORNER'D game, I had a fellow blogger, Athena of The Stuff of Success in mind to help me review the game as she has a 13 yr. old son with autism. Athena and her family played Endless Game's new KORNER'D game this past Sunday, and had the following to say about it...
A Challenging Game of Pattern Perception and Discovery
- It's the mind-bending, abstract strategy game of perception
- This game is a proud partner of Autism Speaks and a great challenge for everyone, including those with special needs
- For ages 8 and up
This game says for ages 8 and up. I played with my 9 year old daughter and 13 year old (autistic) son. The concept is quite simple. The board is filled with colored squares. Each person selects three tiles from the pack of tiles - each tile has four colored squares on it. The idea is to match up each tile with the exact same colors on the board. The combination will only exist once on the board. Whoever locates that exact combination and places their tiles (all three) there first, wins...
Although the concept is a simple one, it is not easy to locate the exact combination quickly. My 9 year old played five games with me and had a great time. My 13 year old was not up to the challenge. However, my 25 year old was interested in just what we were doing and jumped in to help. It is a game that my son will play eventually but tonight he was more interested. He sometimes needs some additional time to become interested in "stuff". This is definitely one of the few games we have that are true family games. Anyone can play it, regardless of any special considerations.
You can find Korner'd from Endless Games at TrollandToad.com for only $14.99.
About Guest Blogger, Athena from The Stuff of Success:
Athena from The Stuff of Success loves teaching others how to live life well, inexpensively. Her favorite projects are those that she can do completely with her children - teaching them to grow and eventually lead independent lives. Check out The Stuff of Success for more projects, reviews, giveaways, DIY and more.
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
Thanks for having me. I would totally love to check out the Cupcake Race - my daughter would love that game.