Look around you? How many things do you see that are powered by batteries? Right now, as I am writing up this blog post in the living room, I can see all the girls' toys that need batteries. And, when the batteries get low or die, I will know about it as the girls will let out a squeal or come running over looking for Mommy to fix it and make their favorite toy during that moment work again. If I ran into a problem of a drained battery, I could either find another electronic gadget in the house using the same size batteries not in use and make a switch until I could get to the store and buy more.
But, with kids, I don't have this luxury, as they don't have the patience to wait for us to get new batteries for their broken toy. They want it fixed, and they want it done NOW. With Arabella's birthday this upcoming weekend, family and friends have been sending her toys in the mail. Some are smart and send batteries along with the toys, while others I have to hope I have enough batteries in that particular size for, or we will not have a happy camper. I have been stocking on batteries in anticipation of the holidays and new toys that Santa will bring for the girls. But, every time I think I have enough batteries, I always seem to run out of ones I need, when I need it most.
Just the other day when we were getting ready to change back the clocks for Daylight Savings Time, I always make a point to replace the batteries in the smoke detectors, flashlights and outside doorbell. When I reached for batteries for the smoke detector, I found I had run out. Thankfully, I was recently sent samples of the new Duracell Quantum batteries to try out.
What is different about these batteries, compared to others on the market?
Duracell Quantum, the world’s most advanced alkaline battery and recognizable by its distinct red color, features longer lasting power than any other battery on the market.

- The Duracell Quantum Hi-Density Core stores more power than ever before.
- Duracell Quantum is the only battery with a power indicator on the cell. PowerCheck allows consumers to see the amount of battery power remaining so that nothing is wasted.
- Duracell DURALOCK Power Preserve technology locks in power for up to 10 years in storage.
- Duracell Quantum can be efficiently used across both low‐drain and high‐ drain devices.
And, with long car rides planned this upcoming holiday season, I am making a point now to stock up and stash Duracell Quantum batteries, so I will be prepared, to power up and keep charged all the girls' different electronic gadgets and toys. There is nothing worse than having a fussy child when drive 3+ hours to visit family, and not be able to hand them a toy or gadget to keep them entertained. Just knowing that I will have Duracell Quantum batteries on hand, and being able to know how much energy they have left before needing replacing brings me peace of mind.
So, don't be left out in the dark this holiday season, or finding yourself running to the store to find batteries for your child's new toys. Instead, do like I am doing and stock up on batteries now. And, when you reach for batteries, make a point to look for the new Duracell Quantum batteries. You will be impressed with the long-life of these batteries, as well as the Hi-Density Core feature and PowerCheck technology this battery has to offer.

Check out this Quantum Heroes video from Duracell shared through YouTube, hosted by country star, Tim McGraw, which spotlights the amazing stories and rescues of first responders. Since the release of the new Duracell Quantum batteries,
With the help of these long lasting advanced alkaline batteries, first responders, like the ones shown in the documentary-style video series, Quantum Heroes, can continue to help save lives through their heroic rescues. I was moved watching this and other Quantum Heroes videos, and know you will be too. Click here to watch more of these videos from Duracell -- http://www.youtube.com/Duracell.
Don't forget to follow Duracell on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for product news, special offers and more:
Duracell on Facebook: facebook.com/duracell
Duracella on Twitter: twitter.com/duracell
Duracell on ouTube: youtube.com/Duracell
Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Duracell. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Reminds me to stock up for batteries!