Disclosure: Special thanks to Publishers Clearing House for sponsoring today's discussion. I participated
in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting
sponsored by Publishers Clearing House. I received a product sample and
promotional item as a thank you for participating.
Growing up, I was first introduced to Publishers Clearing House and their Sweepstakes by my parents. While my mom always said she entered as a bonus for ordering discounted magazine subscriptions, my father, on the other would enter religiously. Every time a Publishers Clearing House envelope would arrive in the mail, he was the first to open it, and start affixing stamps/stickers to enter the contests. My father, like so many other people who enter Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, hope that they receive a knock at the door, and are greeted by someone holding a bunch of balloons and an oversized check, congratulating them on winning the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes.
While this has never happened to us, nor anyone we know, my parents, and now I, still enter the Publisher Clearing House Sweepstakes. Who knows? Maybe one year we will get lucky and get that knock at the door. You never know! :-)
While this has never happened to us, nor anyone we know, my parents, and now I, still enter the Publisher Clearing House Sweepstakes. Who knows? Maybe one year we will get lucky and get that knock at the door. You never know! :-)
Let's pretend for a minute that you won the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes? Would you take the lump sum payout or have the money trickle in bi-weekly or monthly? I continue to pose this question to my dad, just to see what he would do. Prior to the grandchildren, he would always tell me he would like to buy a new car, take my mom on a European vacation, and then bank the money so that my mom who is the only one working can finally retire, so that they can enjoy their golden years together. Now, with the grandkids, his answer has changed. He wants to set up trust funds for each of them, so that they will have money for school, a car, or whatever else they need when they grow up. Because he and my mom have already traveled abroad a few times with friends, he tells me he would use the the leftover money as a retirement fund to live off of with my mom.
What would I do if I won $$$$ from Publishers Clearing House? I would pay off my house, or better yet, sell or rent our current house when the economy gets better, and then buy a house in the south, preferably around Savannah, GA or Charleston, SC. We named our first daughter, Savannah, after falling in love with Savannah, GA, and hope to one day be able to move there and share our love for this beautiful place with the girls. Like my father, I would also add to the girls' college funds, so that is one less thing we have to worry about down the line, and then I would treat myself to a new car. Last week, we took my used car of less than 1 yr. into the shop to have fixed, only to find out it is unrepairable -- leaving us to look for a new used car. Ugg. Not fun, especially when you have little ones, and have to wait until the grandparents can come watch them, so that you can go car hunting. And, if there is any money left over, I would love to travel to Key West, FL or another tropical island and see blue water, as this is top on my bucket list. Oh, and I almost forget, I would also stash money away so that my husband can hopefully retire early, and spend time with the girls, like always dreamed he could.
How about you? What would you do if you the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes? Just imagine...it is really fun, as you can come up with some great ways to spend down the $$$ you win. :-) Yes, it maybe wishful thinking, but you never know...maybe you will be the next lucky winner to receive a knock at the door, and be handed a bunch of balloons and an oversized check. If this happens, your life will definitely change for the better! :-)

Stop dreaming about winning $$$$ from Publishers Clearing House, and enter their current sweepstakes for your chance to win $5,000 a Week Forever. Yes, you read that right -- $5,000 a Week Forever. My mind is spinning just thinking about what I would be able to do with this money. It definitely would make our lives easier and less stressful financially.
So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to http://bit.ly/179tj5p to enter the Publishers Clearing House "Win $5,000 a Week Forever" Sweepstakes today. Then, start thinking about what you would do if you won. Don't forget to think about who you would designate as your "Forever" prize inheritor would be. We would leave the $$$ to the girls, no question about it.
Disclosure: I participated
in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting
sponsored by Publishers Clearing House. I received a product sample and
promotional item as a thank you for participating.
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