With two young children, I am always reading and staying up-to-date on health conditions that they may be at risk for. Like they say, it is better to be safe than sorry. So, when I recently found out that a close friend's child was diagnosed with RSV disease, I had to ask her what it was, and learn more about it alone, to make sure I know how to prevent the spread of this life-threatening disease to my children.
Do you know what RSV disease and what you can do to help keep your children safe and healthy? --
RSV is a virus that infects the lungs
- "RSV or respiratory syncytial [sin-sish-uhl] virus is a contagious viral disease that may infect a person's lungs and breathing passages
- Most children will catch RSV by the age of 2 years
- RSV spreads rapidly among children. While most will recover in 1 to 2 weeks, even after recovery, infants and children can continue to spread the virus for 1 to 3 weeks
Most people recover from the disease in a week or
two, but in premature infants or those with lung or heart problems,
severe RSV disease can lead to serious lung infection and
Know the Symptoms of RSV Disease --
typically causes mild to moderate cold-like symptoms, but in some babies it
results in a serious respiratory infection. Those most at risk for severe RSV
include premature infants, as their lungs aren’t fully developed and they have
fewer infection-fighting antibodies than full-term babies."
Other symptoms of RSV that you should be on the lookout for are:
- Persistent coughing or wheezing
- Rapid, difficult, or gasping breaths
- Blue color on the lips, mouths or under the fingernails
- Fever
"Once contracted, there is no treatment for RSV,
so working together to prevent the risk of RSV is critical. If a
child has milder symptoms of RSV, the virus will likely run its course without
any cause for parental alarm. It is important; however, for these parents to
remember that even a mild case of RSV can be spread to other children, some of
whom may be at high-risk for developing a serious infection from the virus. For
this reason, it’s always best to keep a sick child home when possible, to
prevent the spread of germs and viruses."
Like the Flu, RSV Disease is Seasonal --
"RSV season usually runs from fall into spring. Find out, based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data, when RSV season started and ended in ‘10-'11 where you live -- https://www.rsvprotection.com/."
Is Your Child At Risk for RSV Disease? --
"Know what you're up against with RSV. Take the RSV risk assessment now -- https://www.rsvprotection.com/rsv-risk-assessment.html.

With the cold and flu season hitting almost every family, you need to make sure you take the necessary steps to help keep your family healthy. That means taking the necessary steps to keep every member of the family germ-free. No matter where your children are -- daycare, pre-school, in a school environment, or at home, here are some great tips/tricks to helping them learn ways to prevent the spread of germs, and thus reducing your families risk of contracting of RSV disease.
1) Carry wet wipes and sanitizing spray with you at all times. And, make sure you wipe down shopping cart handles, bathroom doors, etc. -- anything that your hands will come in contact with.
2) Wash your hands -- This is the best way to keep you and your child germ-free, and one tip that you need to begin teaching children at a young age. I know that with my 1 yr. old, she loves to put her hands in her mouth. So, I make a point to either use hand wipes or wash her hands in the sink before and after meals, and throughout the day, to help prevent the spread of germs, if she was to get her hands in her mouth. A great way to get children to spend the necessary time washing their hands is to have them sing "Happy Birthday" while washing. It is suggested that you spend a minimum of 20 seconds washing your hands with soap and water, to make sure you really get your hands clean. Savannah loves when I break out in song as she washes her hands, and now chimes in, too. :-)
3) Sneeze and cough into the crook of arm.
4) Run an air purifier in your house, and when family is sick or under the weather, make sure to have a few cans of Lysol on hand to spray and sanitize things. And, if you have little children, make a point to wash their toys daily, to keep them germ-free.
5) Send children to school with a mini care package of tissues, wipes, hand sanitizer and if age appropriate, cough drops, so they are ready if they need to blow their noses, wash their hands, etc.
6) You may want to get the children out of the house on the weekends and keep them active, but try and keep them away from busy public areas likes museums, stores, etc. where they may come in contact with people who are sick, and germs.
7) Stay hydrated and get your rest -- this is most important in helping to stay healthy and keeping your immune system, in the instance that you have to fight off a cold and/or infection. If you are run down and dehydrated, it will take you longer to get better, and your are more susceptible to other infections and illness.
8) If you suspect your child is coming down with a cold or bug, keep them home from school so that they can rest and get better, and not pick up any other viruses that may be going around school, or spread their infection/germs with other children.
Do you have any tips/tricks you would like to share about keeping your family germ-free and healthy? I would love to hear them. :-) Please share your tips/tricks in the comments section below.
Still have questions about RSV disease? The best person to ask these questions is your child's pediatrician. So, next time you visit the doctor, make sure you have your questions written down so you don't forget, and ask away. Here are just a few questions that will get the RSV disease started with your child's pediatrician:
- Is my baby at high risk of developing severe RSV disease?
- What can I do to help prevent severe RSV disease if my baby is at high risk?
- What are the symptoms of RSV disease?
- What can I do to help prevent the spread of RSV?
To get more information about RSV disease and learn ways to protect your family, visit www.RSVprotection.com today.
Disclosure: I
wrote this review while participating in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and I received a promotional item to
thank me for my participation.
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