Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Who Knew Chocolate Could Be Healthy For You.. And Be a Probiotic? (Review)

ProBiotix Foods

During these final days leading up to Christmas, do you find yourself quickly grabbing fast food or other unhealthy snacks to tide you over during the mad holiday rush.  I find that when I am consuming too many greasy or overly processed foods, that I end up with an upset stomach.  To get back to normal, I find that consuming yogurts or probiotic capsules help.  But, who has time to sit down and really eat or enjoy a yogurt?  So, instead, I have been enjoying Active D'Lites, probiotic chocolates from Probiotix Foods.  Yes, you read that read -- a healthy chocolate that will also help keep you regular.  

When I first heard about Active D'Lites, I was curious to see how they tasted.  I was expecting much for a healthy chocolate, but was amazed when I tried it -- it was actually quite good.  Sweetened with Stevia, these all natural, GMO-free, low-calorie, low-carb, low sugar, probiotics-powered chocolate, "the Active D'Lites Chocolate bars were specifically formulated to go beyond the benefits of a sugar free and low carb treat. All of the Active D'Lites bars contain probiotics and prebiotics. This combination, known as synbiotic, work together to promote and sustain your digestive health.When making these bars the goal was to be able to reach every person during every stage of their lives" -- from children to the elderly. 

Being a chocolate lover myself, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed these probiotic chocolates and how quickly they helped with tummy troubles from eating meals on the go.  Now, when I don't have time to eat a yogurt or forget to take my daily probiotic capsules, I can reach for an Active D'Lite chocolate bar, and know that my digestive health is under control. :-)

So, if you are looking for a way to add probiotics into your diet and help sustain good digestive health, why not give these Active D'Lites candy bars and other products from Probiotix Foods a try?  You have nothing to lose, and so much to gain, digestive health wise. :-)

---BUY NOW----

In addition to the chocolate flavor candy bar I was sent to review, Active D'Lites also offers the following candy bar flavors

Chocolate Almond
Chocolate Peanut Butter
Chocolate Caramel
Chocolate Crisp

Each of the above candy bars are available for only $2.19 each, or in a 14 pack for only $27.59.  They can be ordered directly from the Active D'Lites website, for fast and easy ordering.

Click here to shop online at Probiotix Foods for these Active D'Lites candy bars, and other probiotic products, including shakes, ice creams and supplements -- http://www.probiotixfoods.com/v/vspfiles/home/default.htm.

Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.


  1. I love chocolate! Would love to try these products

  2. These look delicious....and healthy too!!! Thanks for sharing!

    [email protected]
