It seemed like Thanksgiving got everyone talking about what they were thankful for? Did you take to Facebook, Twitter, your blog, etc. to share what you were most thankful for? I shared through my social media outlets, and felt good knowing that those close to me knew just how much they meant to me, and how grateful I was to have them in my life. If you follow my blog, then you may know that I was diagnosed with cancer back in 2008, and underwent radiation and chemotherapy. During this time it made me reevaluate my life, in turn making me slow down and enjoy the people and things I had around me. I can't believe it took something like cancer to get me know slow down and really enjoy life. But, since then, I have made a point to let everyone around me know how much I love and appreciate, and how grateful I am to have them in life. And, then when I was blessed with two daughters, after the doctors said I wouldn't be able to have children, that added a whole new spin to my life. Now, I was able to not only enjoy my new life after cancer, but I was also able to see life in a new way -- through my daughters' eye. Ah, if you have children, you know the love the you feel you first set eyes on them in the hospital. And, then with each laugh, smile, coo, etc., you are wrapped around their little fingers.
As I celebrated another year post cancer treatment, I decided to start a gratitude jar, where I wrote down everything I was grateful for on a daily basis. I also had my family do the same. Then, on Thanksgiving day, after we were done enjoying our meal, we gathered up our gratitude jars and began reading what we were grateful for. I have to tell you, just by adding this new tradition to Thanksgiving, made it all that much special. We not only left with a greater appreciation for life and those around us, but it opened up lines of communication that were otherwise not talked about. I learned new things about my family that I didn't know, and they of me. By the end of the night after the last strip of paper was read, our house was filled with so much love and appreciation, that you couldn't help but tear up and want to hug and kiss everyone, and let them know again just how much they mean to you.
Even though I make a point to hug and kiss my daughters throughout the day, and tell them how much they mean to me and how they have made a life so much better, I feel the gratitude jar tradition that we started and will continue in the years to come, with help teach them not to take life for granted, and to show others just how much they mean to you. I can't wait until they get older and I can share the concept of the gratitude jar with them, and have them begin jotting down what they are thankful for -- even if in the beginning it will be for toys, etc. :-)
Have you started any new traditions in your house as a result of the holidays? My husband surprised me on my birthday by cooking muffins with my daughter. He recently began baking with Savannah every Friday night after dinner. Now, each week, she looks forward to baking with Daddy. Her favorite thing to make is muffins or cupcakes. So, it was only fitting to make muffins for my special breakfast in bed. My husband doesn't usually bake from scratch, and resorts to mixes whenever possible. So, he was excited to a new muffin mix, Miffy's Muffins in the pantry. I was sent samples of this, along with Deo perfume candy, which make you smell like roses, and ViveVita Chair covers, to cover our already stained cloth dining room seats from the girls. Learn more below how you can enter the MOMPACT GIVEAWAY ending on Dec. 9th, to try these products out for yourself.
If you haven't heard of Miffy's Muffins, click here to learn about the mixes available --- http://www.miffysfoods.com/. I was sent their seasonal favorite, pumpkin spice and apple spice to try out. And, my husband surprised me with the apple spice muffins, with chocolate chips. What makes these muffin mixes so great is that take great just by following the directions, or by adding in ingredients your family loves. My family knows that chocolate makes everything taste better in my eyes, so the chocolate chips had to be included in the muffin mix. And, boy did the muffins taste great. As I laid in bed, with my daughters snuggled up next to me, we enjoyed a new tradition in our house "breakfast in bed on Mommy's birthday." I can't wait until next year when Arabella will be doing my husband and Savannah in the kitchen. :-)

Want to try Miffy's Muffins for yourself? You have one more day to take advantage of a special going on for Miffy's Muffin Mixes -- Click here to take order now -- http://www.miffysfoods.com/category_s/1836.htm. You can order 4 mixes for $20, 6 mixes for $30 or 8 for $40. These would make for a great gift to give the foodie or baker in your life, or to make for those coming to visit this holiday season. Or, start a new tradition in your house by serving up Miffy's Muffin on Christmas morning. :-)

A few weeks ago I shared a post where I included a giveaway for items I was sent to sample in the Mompact Ladies Night Out package. One lucky reader will have a chance to win the above items and more. If you missed my post, you can still enter my giveaway just by completing the Rafflecopter form below. Act fast as this giveaway ends on Dec. 8. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I was sent samples as part of the MOMPACT Ladies Night Out house party campaign. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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