families gear up for their Thanksgiving road trip, Disney Publishing
Worldwide unveils an exciting app to keep kids entertained in the back
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey’s Wildlife Count Along!
In this first-ever math and science
Disney Learning app, readers join Mickey and his friends on a
globe-spanning road trip to Mickey Beach, traveling through exciting
while counting groups of animals and learning about wildlife habitats.
Early math concepts such as sequencing, more and less, and group to
numeral matching are also reinforced through bonus play-along games and
Features include:

Activities aimed at counting and sequencing numbers 1-10
Hands-on practice with key early math concepts
Matching games featuring over 20 different animals to one of five fascinating habitats
Character voices from Disney Junior’s Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Original artwork and animation—as well as fun effects such as Tap, Shake, and Tilt
Story extension activities for parents and caregivers
a rich variety of early math and science activities, children will
delight in learning alongside Mickey and his clubhouse pals— helping
them explore, discover and master the skills and concepts
they need to be confident and joyful learners in school and beyond."
My Thoughts:
You cannot walk into our house without seeing Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the television, playing on the iPad, or countless dolls, books, and other memorabila laying around the house. This Disney Junior is a favorite of both my daughters and was the recent 1st birthday theme for Arabella's birthday a couple of week's ago. So, it was only fitting to download and review the new app available now iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, titled Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey’s Wildlife Count Along.

Savannah is beginning to learn her numbers and early math skills, so this educational app came in handy to help her with her counting from 1-10. But, the best part about this app for her was seeing all the familiar faces of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gang, and hearing their voices. When she wasn't matching animals to their appropriate habitats, she was admiring the amazing animation of the app, and the Tap, Shake, and Tilt feature, which made her giggle. Even though we have only had this game for a little over a day, I can see that is has become of her favorites, next to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally, which she plays on a daily basis. And, with upcoming holiday car rides to visit family and friends, I am looking for great apps that will not only keep her entertained on the long drives, but also provide educational benefits. This new app fits the bill, and really is fun to play with. I found myself getting into the matching game with Savannah this afternoon, as she showed me how to use the app. :-) Here I am getting a lesson from a two year old on how to use the app.
Do you have a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fan in your house and have an iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch to download apps to? Then, why not download this app, which is only $1.99, to keep your little ones entertained? Any Mickey Mouse Clubhouse fan will go crazy for this app. I know as Savannah still grins from ear to ear each time she taps on the app to play it. :-)
---BUY NOW---
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Mickey’s Wildlife Count Along
is available for $1.99 in the Education category of Apple’s App Store for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
Disclosure: I was sent a promo code to download and review this app. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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