Hardcover, 32 full color pages, ages 4-8
October 2012
ISBN 978-1-9362611-9-2
October 2012
ISBN 978-1-9362611-9-2
""Honesty is the best policy." That's Frank's motto.
But Frank's overly frank comments tend to annoy his friends and teachers. Not even his
own mother is all that fond of Frank's "tell all" attitude.
So Frank turns to his grandpa for help. “Everyone is mad at me for being frank. I’m not
sure honesty is the best policy anymore.”
“That used to happen to me, too,” said Grandpa Ernest.
A few outrageous hats, a spicy jar of relish, and some grandfatherly wisdom help Frank
realize that truth is best served with more sugar and less pepper."
But Frank's overly frank comments tend to annoy his friends and teachers. Not even his
own mother is all that fond of Frank's "tell all" attitude.
So Frank turns to his grandpa for help. “Everyone is mad at me for being frank. I’m not
sure honesty is the best policy anymore.”
“That used to happen to me, too,” said Grandpa Ernest.
A few outrageous hats, a spicy jar of relish, and some grandfatherly wisdom help Frank
realize that truth is best served with more sugar and less pepper."
My Thoughts:
Being Frank from Flashlight Press has quickly become my 6 year old nephew's favorite book to have read to him when he comes to visit. With all the girls and toddler books that fill our house, it is hard to find books to share with him, that he will enjoy at bedtime. But, this one does not disappoint time and time again. One thing that children have a hard time doing is knowing how to say things in a way not to hurt another's feelings. They are honest to a fault, and this is where Being Frank comes in. The book teachers children, through a boy poem written by Frank, a young boy, who upsets family and friends with his brutal honesty. When he finally realizes that what he has learned about honesty being the best policy and how he can still be honest, but do so in a polite manner, everyone around him, including himself, are happy.
I have found myself turning red on a few occasions when my daughter, Savannah has said things in public like "pee you," when she walked by someone who smelled. She told me she thought the person went potty. I could have crawled into a hole. I guess it is true when they say "children say the darnedest things." What things have your children said, that made you turn red? And, how to talk to them and try to get them to understand that there are more polite ways to say something, so they are not hurtful to others? Seeing that my daughter is two years old, I have a hard time teaching her this. But, when she does get a little older, I know I will be sharing this book with her. In the meantime, however, my nephew is enjoying this book, and has learned that you can still be honest, while "being frank."
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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