Recently I shared that we are in the process of transitioning Savannah into her own bedroom. She had been sharing a room with her little sister, Arabella, but has ended up in our bed. Due to Arabella teething and crying throughout the night, Savannah is woken up in a startle and climbs into our bed, only to roll around and push or kick us out of the bed. My husband has been sleeping o the couch the past week. I was going to say that he was a trooper, but now that I think about it, he is the one making out great in this situation. While I lay there in our bed getting kicked, he is sleeping comfortably on the couch, without any disturbance. Argg, why did I tell him to take the couch, thinking I would have it easier. :-)
I think my daughters are in talks already, as they have both decided not to take naps anymore during the daytime. As a result, come 11AM, they are both fussy and little terrors. I was hoping to work on preparing Savannah's room, which my husband and I were able to paint last weekend, while the girls napped. But, that was a lost cause, as it still looks the same. I did, however, get a new decoration for the room, that Savannah has fallen in love with -- a handpainted jungle-themed ceramic piggy bank (measures 7 in round and 8 in long) from Child to Cherish. I had ordered it off of Amazon.com for only $14.99, plus shipping and handling. There are several design options available, and pricing ranges from $14.99 up to $25.00.
Being a huge fan of Toy Story and seeing Hammy the pig in the movie, Savannah instantly knew the bank was shaped as a pig the moment she laid eyes on it. Just as I was pulling it out of the box, she began yelling with excitement, "Piggy, Piggy." I didn't think she would understand what it was, or how to put change into it, but she quickly caught on. She got so involved in the process of adding change to the piggy bank, that it kept her entertained for over an hour. Bless the piggy bank, as it calmed her down and kept her sitting in one place! :-) In addition to talking to her about putting the money in the bank to save, I also used the piggy bank as an educational tool for teaching her how to count from 1-10. She was able to count to five before. As she added each coin into the slot, I would count. Once we reached ten, we would cheer and clap, making learning how to count fun. Here are a handful of photos I took of Savannah playing with her new piggy bank from Child to Cherish.
We have to be careful with Savannah playing with the bank, as it is ceramic and can break easily if dropped. Savannah at first thought it was like her toys and wanted to carry it around the room, or shake it to hear the change jingle inside. I had to teach her to keep it on the table, as it was fragile. So, hopefully by this weekend Savannah's new bedroom will be finished, and we will begin the transition process with her of sleeping in her own room. This will be tough, but at least the room will be more inviting and playful, thanks in part to this whimsical piggy bank. And, when the nights feel long, I know that I can grab the piggy bank off the shelf, hand Savannah a baggy filled with change, and let her count her way to bed :-) Yeah, right!
With the holidays fast and fall/winter birthdays fast approaching, why not consider picking up a handcrafted Child to Cherish piggy bank? These banks make great keepsake gifts for new babies, for expectant moms, or collectors of pigs and piggy banks. In addition to these piggy banks, Child to Cherish also offers a wide selection of baby gifts and keepsakes for baby showers, christenings, baptisms, birthdays and many other memorable occasions in life. Each item is set to to capture precious moments of a child’s life, and make lasting memories.
Don't forget to follow Child to Cherish on Twitter and "like" their fan page on Facebook, to stay up-to-date on news and special offers.

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Pollinate Media Group and Child to Cherish, but all opinions are my own.
I accidently dropped my girlfirends a couple day ago :P But anyways this looks pretty cool so I think I might surprise her with one of these!