- Paperback: 158 pages
- Publisher: CreateSpace (February 24, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1470136872
- ISBN-13: 978-1470136871
- Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.4 inches
This practical and easy-to-read book shows parents how they can raise
happy, responsible, respectful, and yes, AMAZING kids by simply living
their lives and inviting their children to join them in the everyday
situations of life. You probably think that parenting is challenging.
Good news – you’re not crazy, you’re right. It is challenging. But, it
can be wonderful and rewarding too. The key is in not giving up
everything you loved and enjoyed just because you decided to have
children. You can maintain the integrity of your life and raise terrific
kids. You are doing things every day that you can use to teach your
children some valuable life skills. Simple things like cleaning,
cooking, home repair, grocery shopping, and planning trips (Yes, you can
even travel with your kids!) lend themselves to fulfilling parent/child
interactions. You’ll get a bit of help with the things you have to do
and you’ll be teaching your child the skills he or she will need to live
independently some day. Plus, along the way, you and your child will
get to know each other better as you build a life of love based on good
communication and shared times.
My Thoughts:
I had received this book a few months ago, but only recently got around to reading it in its entirety. With two small girls, it is hard to find time after a long day to read a book, and truly comprehend it. After hearing wondering things about this book and its author, Deborah Carroll, I was eager to read it. This past weekend, I was able to read it cover to cover in one sitting. It was hard to put this book down. As a relatively new mom (welcomed Savannah in 2010 and Arabella in 2011), I am still learning how to balance family, work and me time. Before reading this book, I found myself giving up fun hobbies, like running, traveling, shopping, gardening, etc. as either I didn't have the time or desire to do them, or couldn't include the girls in the activity.
With the help of Deborah and her book, I am seeing things in a new perspective and am now only realizing that just because I have children doesn't mean things I used to enjoy doing before them have to stop. Just today, I had Savannah sit down with me at the table while I was making my shopping list. I let her flip through the circulars and coupons. She had a blast pointing to the different foods, and saying, "Yum!" I also found it enjoyable to sit there and point out different foods that I would be picking up when I went food shopping later in the day. Savannah got to see how I prepare my list, gather my coupons and then shop at the market. Even though she is too young to really comprehend this, she did enjoy the time spent with Mommy, and I enjoyed watching her get excited about grocery shopping and food selection.
Even though this will be a work in progress and I will probably stumble here and there, I will definitely be working harder at including my children in pastimes that I enjoyed, while also not feeling guilty taking time to enjoy me-time, while teaching them skills like independent play and responsible.
Do you struggle with balancing work, life and family? Do you try and include your children in adult-based activities, as a way to teach them life skills? I'd love to hear how you work at creating a balance, while not going crazy. Parenting is a challenge, and one I am definitely enjoying daily. How about you? This book offers some great tips to help us parents not feel so guilty, while making parenting young and older children more pleasurable. This is definitely one of the best parenting books I have read lately. I especially love how Deborah talks to you, and not at you, like some other parenting books I have read.
About the Author:

Deborah Carroll is a former teacher, educational consultant, wellness
coach, and the mother of three "amazing" children. She grew up in New
York and Philadelphia where she taught in the public schools for ten
years before becoming the Manager of the Education Department of the
Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News. She has conducted hundreds of
workshops and has appeared on Good Morning America with her first
parenting book. That appearance, while lots of fun was also one of her
most embarrassing moments so if you meet Debby, be sure to ask her to
tell you about it.
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the author in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
Thanks, Robin. I'm so happy that you thought the book felt like a conversation. That was totally the idea -- one parent talking to another, sharing what worked. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts -- Debby Carroll.