- Hardcover: 24 pages
- Publisher: Andersen Press USA (January 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 076138989X
- ISBN-13: 978-0761389897
- Buy now at Amazon for only $13.22.
One morning, Elmer hears an "Oh no!" Looking around, he spots Super El, who's in need of Elmer's help. He must get to Aunt Zelda without any of the other animals seeing him and, as usual, it's up to Elmer to come up with a cunning plan!
My Thoughts:
Do you like elephants? How about a patchwork elephant or a super hero elephant? Well, if you pick up this book, you will get both. This beautifully crafted story by David McKee follows the ever popular Elmer the Patchwork elephant, as he helps his friend Super El sneak past the jungle animals, all the way to Elmer's Aunt Zelda's, who will be able to mend Super El's torn outfit. As you flip through the pages of this colorful and vibrant book, you will be introduced to monkeys, lions, hippos, snakes, rabbits and so many other animals. I couldn't get over the amazing illustrations in this book. They made you want to continue reading to see what was on the next page, but stall a moment or two before reading on, just to take in all the happenings on the page.
Savannah got a kick out of Elmer the Patchwork elephant and helped me name the colors on his coat. And, when Super El and Elmer finally came upon Aunt Zelda and had her repair El's outfit, Savannah began to clap and cheer, as she loves happy endings. I didn't even have to tell her what was happening, as I read the last page and she saw the illustration, she knew El was one again Super!
This is a great book to share with young children, and is definitely a page turner, not only for the story, but the illustrations. I can't wait to check out more books by the author/illustrator, David McKee. Have you read this book or other from David McKee? If so, I'd love to hear what you think of them.
About the Author:
David McKee (born 1935) is a British author and illustrator, chiefly of children's books and animations. He has used the pseudonym Violet Easton. He is frequently referenced as David (John) McKee.
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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