If you follow my blog, then you know that I welcomed two daughters, Savannah Rose on July 19, 2010 and Arabella Sofia on 11/10/11. Both pregnancies were not a walk in the park. Oftentimes, I had to be treated for dehydration due to constant vomiting, or was on bed rest. These and other pregnancy symptoms left me unable to exercise like I wanted to during the pregnancies. And, having only 6 months between conceiving, I didn't have enough time to lose all the baby weight I gained during my first pregnancy. As a result, after Arabella was born, I was left with the 15 pounds I gained with her, and the 10 pounds I had left to lose from my first pregnancy.
Even though I am very active during the daytime, while taking care of the girls, I need to make sure I pencil in time in the early AM, or after they go to bed, to exercise and lose these remaining. But, these past couple of months, I haven't seen the pounds coming off. This is frustrating to see, when I step on the scale each week and notice I am staying the same or gaining a pound here and there. Because of this, I began looking for at-home fitness DVDs geared towards moms that I could try, in hopes that I would finally be able to shed all the baby weight once and for all. During my search, I came across the New Mommy Makeover DVD set, and reached out the vendor to see if I could review this 3-phase DVD set.
Colleen kindly sent me the DVDs, and over the past few weeks, I have been using them each night. Each DVD contains 3 30-minutes exercise workouts, which progressively get more challenging. I love that you can workout alongside another mom, who understands your fitness concerns. Each workout addresses different intensity levels, so that everyone, no matter your fitness level, can participate. In addition to the exercises, this set also comes with a nutritional manual written by a dietitian/nutritionist who specializes in pre/post natal women. New Mommy Makeover was reviewed as one of the top six postnatal DVDs in the 2011 April/May issue of
Fit Pregnancy Magazine, and recently won First Place for the 2011 SheKnows.com Parenting Awards. You can visit www.NewMommyMakeover.com for more information.
Within the first week, I found myself finally losing weight again. In the first week alone, I dropped 5 pounds. You don't know how elated I felt when I stepped on the scale. Since my first weigh in, I continue to drop at least 2-3 pounds a week. My goal is that by the end of June, I will say goodbye to those dreaded pregnancy pounds, and finally fit back into my old jeans, which I had to move to the back of the closet.
Right now, this is a work in progress, but I will let you know how things progress as the weeks go by.
If you recently welcomed your new bundle of joy or will be shortly, why not pick up New Mommy Makeover today, to help you shed the baby weight. I know we don't want to think about it, but summer is right around the corner -- meaning bathing suit season. For myself, I want to look my best, as I enjoy the weather and pool time with my girls. Don't you?
Don't forget to follow Colleen Riddle and New Mommy Makeover on Facebook and Twitter (@NewMommyMakeovr), for news and promotions.
----BUY NOW---
Click here to order the 3 DVD set, New Mommy Makeover today for only $59.99. In addition, you can order each individual phase in case you want to try them out and see how they work. And, just for Inspired by Savannah readers, enjoy 30% off your total order, by using coupon code "inspbysavblog" at checkout. Act soon, as this code expires on June 30, 2012.
More about Colleen Riddle:

Colleen has been an avid exercise enthusiast her entire life. She grew
up as a competitive swimmer and learned early on how good it felt to set
goals, work hard and achieve them. She reached her ultimate swimming
goal of getting a scholarship to FSU. Go Noles! Colleen's passion for
fitness combines perfectly with her career of helping others tap into
their inner strength.
Colleen is a certified Pre/Post Natal Exercise Specialist. This provides her with advanced skills and knowledge specific to fitness training for women before, during and after pregnancy. Colleen safely guides clients through personalized exercises designed to reduce stress and anxiety while increasing energy.
After seeing so many women struggle with their weight after pregnancy, Colleen wanted to find a solution to help new moms. She wanted to provide a complete, realistic, and healthy system that women could easily follow from beginning to end and achieve success. This is why she created the New Mommy Makeover post natal weight loss system.
Colleen is a certified Pre/Post Natal Exercise Specialist. This provides her with advanced skills and knowledge specific to fitness training for women before, during and after pregnancy. Colleen safely guides clients through personalized exercises designed to reduce stress and anxiety while increasing energy.
After seeing so many women struggle with their weight after pregnancy, Colleen wanted to find a solution to help new moms. She wanted to provide a complete, realistic, and healthy system that women could easily follow from beginning to end and achieve success. This is why she created the New Mommy Makeover post natal weight loss system.
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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