Over the weekend, I was able to try out a wonderful mom inspired/mom invented product, called Sniffle Buddies. What are Sniffle Buddies you ask? Watch this quick video as Sniffle Buddies mom inventor, J. Kelly Mayes describes and demonstrates this handy product, which everyone in the family can use.
I was sent their small Sniffle Buddies, which fits a toddler's bare wrist, for Savannah to try out. This sure did come in handy as she has been having a runny nose lately due to allergies, caused by the changing of the weather. While at a few Easter egg hunts, Savannah kept getting the sniffles and looking for a place to wipe her nose. I showed her the Sniffle Buddies wristband, I had velcroed to her wrist and showed her how to use it. She quickly picked up the concept of having a runny nose and wiping her nose on this absorbent wristband. And, during the fun egg hunts, she didn't have to run over to me for a tissue. Instead, she quickly wiped her nose and proceeded on, searching for eggs.
I am loving that Sniffle Buddies comes in sizes small through large, and fits toddlers through adults. I will definitely be buying an adult Sniffle Buddies wristband for my husband who suffers from seasonal allergies. This wristband will come in handy when he is runny, as he frequently gets runny nose and ends up using his t-shirt collars to wipe his nose. And, by the time I get to washing his t-shirts, I notice that he has stretched out the collar, from pulling it up to wipe his nose.
What have you done when your child had a runny nose and you were searching through your diaper bag or purse for a tissue? If your kids are like mine, by the time you finally find a tissue or something to wipe their noses with, they have already used their sleeves. Well, you can put a stop to this and have them wipe their noses in a more sanitary way, thanks to fellow mom inventor, J. Kelly Mayes', Sniffle Buddies.
More about Sniffle Buddies:
* Product is for Allergies / Special Needs / Sports - hands
free moments during playtime, to assist with tending drool, or as a helper for
those with limited mobility.
*Sniffle Buddies are NEVER for blowing you nose into, nor are they
recommended for those who are sick with cold or flu related nasal
*Hand assembled in the USA from an Organic Bamboo/ Organic Cotton
(1) Use Sniffle Buddies during playtime.
(2) NEVER blow your nose into Sniffle Buddies, sniffles only please!
(3) Use Sniffle Buddies in conjunction with proper tissue use and hand washing.
(4) Change Sniffle Buddies often, but remember not to handle it by the soiled surface.
(5) Detach soiled Sniffle Buddies from toddler's wrists after playtime, handling by the velcro closures only.
(6) For used bands, invert the direction of the loop and reseal velcro closures - housing the used surface on the inside.
(7) Transport used Sniffle Buddies to the wash with the loop inverted. Flip right-side out before washing.
(8) Wash Sniffle Buddies in warm water and dry on medium heat.
(9) Stock up on Sniffle Buddies so you'll always have a clean one to offer for playtime.
(10) Remind children, and adults, that germs are NOT for sharing so please "Don't touch my Sniffle Buddies"!
(1) Use Sniffle Buddies during playtime.
(2) NEVER blow your nose into Sniffle Buddies, sniffles only please!
(3) Use Sniffle Buddies in conjunction with proper tissue use and hand washing.
(4) Change Sniffle Buddies often, but remember not to handle it by the soiled surface.
(5) Detach soiled Sniffle Buddies from toddler's wrists after playtime, handling by the velcro closures only.
(6) For used bands, invert the direction of the loop and reseal velcro closures - housing the used surface on the inside.
(7) Transport used Sniffle Buddies to the wash with the loop inverted. Flip right-side out before washing.
(8) Wash Sniffle Buddies in warm water and dry on medium heat.
(9) Stock up on Sniffle Buddies so you'll always have a clean one to offer for playtime.
(10) Remind children, and adults, that germs are NOT for sharing so please "Don't touch my Sniffle Buddies"!
So, put a stop to runny noses and endless searching for tissues with the help of Sniffle Buddies. Not only will you be helping to stop your little one's from wiping their noses on their sleeves, but you will also be helping a fellow mom entrepreneur with your purchase.
Don't forget to follow Sniffle Buddies on Facebook.
Click here to order Sniffle Buddies for every member of the family. Sniffle Buddies come in 3 sizes - (S) Toddler's bare wrist , (M) - Child Over-the-Coat or Adult wrist, (L) Adult Over-the-Coat or L Adult wrist. You can choose from a variety of colors for only $9.99.
One lucky reader will win a prize pack from mompact.com, which consists of the Snifflebuddies and other products “invented by moms, for moms."
The prize package includes:
1 SAFER Car seat cover, 1 Parking Pal Magnet, 1 Gripsterz, 1 Snifflebuddies, 1 Set of Kissaboo
To enter, please complete the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
About the Inventor:

J. Kelly Mayes (President / C.E.O.)
- the proud mother of one, wife, MacGyver-style inventor who loves
turning ideas into reality and playing in the great outdoors. She's a
graduate of University of Kentucky with a B.S. in Biology who freelances
in the TV Commercial Industry in addition to being blessed with the
best of jobs....full-time Mom.
Sniffle Buddies have been recognized
"Top 10 Newest Products for Special Needs" - www.ableplay.org
Mom's Choice Award - Gold
National Parenting Center Seal of
Creative Child Magazine - Seal of
Green America Approved
Disclosure: I received this review opportunity as part of Mompact.com. All opinions are my own.
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