- Paperback: 44 pages
- Publisher: Xlibris Corporation (August 30, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1453543414
- ISBN-13: 978-1453543412
- Buy now at Amazon
Syracuse native, Glenn Wright, decided to write the children's book, I Sleep In My Own Bed (www.isleepinmyownbed.com), when his son Brad would not sleep alone for almost a year. After searching endlessly for books, tools or items that could help, Glenn decided to write a short story to ease his son’s fears. While Glenn always had a passion for literature and art, he now had an incentive to put those skills to good use.
As a parent I'm sure you know that getting a toddler to sleep in their own room or bed can be a challenge. In fact, this issue can lead to broken sleep patterns that not only impact the child, but negatively affect the parents as well. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation conducted a study which found that approximately 47% (that’s almost one half of toddlers) wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake for at least 30 minutes or more. Lack of sleep can lead to stress in marriage and low productivity at work.
Now, I Sleep in My Own Bed (ISBN: 978-1-4535-4341-2, SC: $21.99 ($16.49 on Amazon), August 2010) can help solve this issue. This book takes children on a fun-filled journey to all of the places in a home where a child can sleep but wouldn’t want to (think dog house, garage, and bathroom). It reinforces that the perfect place for a child to sleep is in their own bed. The bright, colorful illustrations and lighthearted humor will be just as enjoyable for you as it is your child. Glenn wrote this book with no initial intentions of publishing it; he was just a dad looking for a solution to help his son. But, when the book worked, he knew it was important to share with others.
As a parent I'm sure you know that getting a toddler to sleep in their own room or bed can be a challenge. In fact, this issue can lead to broken sleep patterns that not only impact the child, but negatively affect the parents as well. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation conducted a study which found that approximately 47% (that’s almost one half of toddlers) wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake for at least 30 minutes or more. Lack of sleep can lead to stress in marriage and low productivity at work.
Now, I Sleep in My Own Bed (ISBN: 978-1-4535-4341-2, SC: $21.99 ($16.49 on Amazon), August 2010) can help solve this issue. This book takes children on a fun-filled journey to all of the places in a home where a child can sleep but wouldn’t want to (think dog house, garage, and bathroom). It reinforces that the perfect place for a child to sleep is in their own bed. The bright, colorful illustrations and lighthearted humor will be just as enjoyable for you as it is your child. Glenn wrote this book with no initial intentions of publishing it; he was just a dad looking for a solution to help his son. But, when the book worked, he knew it was important to share with others.
My Review:
I am so thankful to Glen for writing this book. We have been trying to get our daughter to sleep in her own bed, as we began co-sleeping with her at 6 months old. Now that she is 14 months old, she is still sleeping with us. And, with another baby on the way, we really need to get her into her own bed in her room, as our bed is getting cramped as she gets bigger and likes to toss and turn all night. I don't know how many times my husband and I have been elbowed or slapped in the night. And, don't get me started on sheets/covers. She keeps those from us on the coldest of nights. It was nice to see that another parent had issues with getting their child to sleep in their own bed.
Through Glen's book, a child will learn that the best for them to sleep is their own bed. Slowly we are trying to transition Savannah to the pack and play we set up in our room, and hope that with only 8 weeks left, that she will be in her own bed when her little sister arrives.
I even let a friend borrow this book, as their son began sneaking into their room at night and either climbing into bed or sleeping on the floor. After reading this book to him, and a few restless nights of camp outs in their son's room, they finally got their son to go back to his room and return to sleeping in his own bed.
If you are having trouble getting your child to sleep in their own bed, or know someone who is having this problem, then this book is definitely a must have. Children will love the colorful illustrations that are included in the book, illustrating places that they can sleep in a house, but just aren't the right place for them. The story flows nicely and is easy to read and comprehend with little ones. Hopefully, I will not have to break my daughter's sleeping location habit once we break her co-sleeping. But, if we have to revisit this, I am happy to have this on hand to share with her.
About the Author:
Glenn Wright has always had a love for literature and art, but it wasn’t until recently that he picked up a pencil again, this time accompanied by a little story he dreamt up one night. I Sleep in My Own Bed explores the sleeping habits of a little boy, based on the experiences Glenn had with his own son. It is his wish that anyone reading this book enjoys it as much as he did creating it. Glenn lives in Syracuse, NY with his wife Molly, son Bradley and their daughter Elisha.
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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