Friday, May 6, 2011

Children's Book Review: Maggie McNair Wears Stinky Underwear by Sheila Booth-Alberstad

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Maggie McNair, like many other children, is not fond of taking baths. In fact, she thinks they’re rather boring. She avoids taking a proper bath until a humiliating event spurs Maggie to learn yet another essential lesson in life.

Sheila Booth-Alberstadt tells Maggie’s story with a sense of humor that will keep both Children and adults entertained to the very last page. Norris Hall provides the imaginative illustrations.

Maggie McNair Wears Stinky Underwear is a charming, humorous companion to Maggie McNair Has Spiders in Her Hair. It explores issues of body hygiene through entertaining rhymes and a likable protagonist.

My Review:

This is the second book I read from Sheila Booth-Alberstadt in the Maggie McNair series.  It is just as good as the first, Maggie McNair Has Spiders in Her Hair. In this book, Maggie doesn't like taking baths and will do anything, even lowering the water in the tub and lying to get out of taking a bath.  This is a very cute story, again with eye-catching illustrations.  If you have a child who doesn't like taking baths, why not share this funny story with them. And, don't worry, Maggie eventually gets clean!

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of this book in order to write an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

1 comment :

  1. I read this children book and i also suggest this new edition to my student because this book story very lovely thanks for share it professional personal statement writers .
