Thursday, December 1, 2016

Give the Gift of a Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp from Levoit This Holiday Season (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  All views shared are mine and mine alone.

Do you have a salt lamp in your house?  If not or you have no idea what a salt lamp is, not to worry, as I only recently started using one in our house, after my doctor and a few friends suggested it get one to help purify the air in our house, after we were hit hard with colds and pneumonia.

When I first heard my doctor suggest a salt lamp, I thought back to when I used to get massages and the lady had two salt lamps set on the tables in the massage room. I always thought they looked pretty and were for adding a calming effect to the room and overall massage experience.  But, it wasn't until my doctor started sharing the benefits of having a Himalayan salt lamp in the house.  

These are just some of the benefits that my doctor and friends shared with me, and ones I read about online when I started my search for the perfect Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp for my family.

Benefits of a Salt Lamp:

1)  Helps Cleanse and Deodorize the Air -- By attracting water molecules from the surrounding environment, Himalayan salt lamps absorb these molecules and other foreign particles in the air, to help leave air more purified.  This is perfect for those who suffer from allergies to dust, pollen, pet dander,etc., or if you live with a smoker and have been looking for a way to get cleaner, fresher air in your home.

2)  Reduces Allergy and Asthma Symptoms -- This was one of the main reasons my doctor recommended I buy a salt lamp as my girls and I suffer from asthma, which is always exacerbated when we get colds. And, everyone in our home suffers from year round allergies.  Like I mentioned in (1) above, the salt lamps removes microscopic particles of dust, pet dander, mold, mildew and the like from the surrounding air and traps them in the salt.  It has been shown that if you have one or two salt lamps in a room your family frequently stays it, it will help cut down on allergy and asthma symptoms, which in our case is a big and one of the main draws to getting a salt lamp.

3)  Eases coughing -- A friend shared about this and the salt lamps changes the charge of molecules in the air, by trapping positive ion particles floating in the air into the salt in the base of your salt lamp, thus expelling negative ions that will help keep your lungs clear, and ease coughing.

4)  Increases your energy level, while lowering your stress levels -- By getting rid of positive ions in the air and introducing the calming light and feel of the Himalayan salt lamp in a room, you find your energy levels increasing, as your stress levels decrease.

5) Better Sleep -- By purifying the air and removing positively charged ions and molecules in the air, you will find yourself breathing easier. And, with the calming effects of the glowing light of the Himalayan salt lamp, you will find yourself relaxing more, thus helping you fall asleep and get a better night's sleep.

I could go on and on about the many benefits of a Himalayan Salt Lamp in the room.  Here is a video that also talks on other benefits, while introducing to your the new Aria Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp, which I was recently sent to review, and am loving...

Doesn't this look like a gorgeous Himalayan salt lamp?  When I was doing a search for the perfect salt lamp for my family, I couldn't get over how many designs and styles were out there.  

Some looked gaudy, while others made me question how well they would work as the salt crystals looked like a poor quality.  Like I said, I was sent the new Aria Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp from Levoit, and am loving it. 

We have had this salt lamp for a couple weeks now and I have already seen improvements in how everyone is feeling.  We have more energy, are coughing less, and sleeping better.  And, this past Thanksgiving when family and friends came to visit, they couldn't stop commenting on how beautiful it looked on the table, and how the air smelled fresher and cleaner, compared to in the past when you could tell we have dogs in the house.

Now that I have experienced the benefits of a salt lamp, and see how it is helping everyone in the house, I can't stop raving about it to family and friends. Many of them had no idea what a salt lamp was -- some thought they were just for decor in a spa or a hippy thing to have.  But, once I started sharing the benefits and they could see the improvement in my breathing and coughing less after being hospitalized with severe pneumonia in both lungs, they could see why a salt lamp is a must have in every home.

I could go on and on and talk your ear off about the Aria Natural Himalayan Salt lamp or the benefits of salt lamps, but with the holidays fast approaching, I want to make sure you have time to head on over to the official Levoit website to learn more about this and their other product offerings, as well as purchase at Amazon for only $69.99.  

This is one investment you will see instant benefits from. Who doesn't want purified air in their home, especially if you have children or suffer from allergies or asthma.  Let the Aria Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp provide release, while also creating a calming environment to help melt away stress and relax you.


So, if you have been struggling to find the perfect to gift to give that hard to shop for or person who has everything on your shopping list, why not make it easy on yourself and pick them up the new Aria Natural Himalayan Salt Lamp from Levoit.  Right now, you can purchase from Amazon for only $69.99 by clicking here.

Besides the amazing price for this salt lamp, just check out how it comes is all ready to give as a gift.  

All you have to do is throw a bow on the top of the box if you want. :-)  It can't get any easier than that.  

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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