
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

4 Tips for an Unforgettable Christmas On a Budget


Photo Source: Pexels

Christmas is one of the most expensive times of the year. With all the presents, delicious food, and decorations (not to mention the heating bills), it can be hard to enjoy the festivities with the weight of your dwindling bank account looming over your head. But it's not always easy to rein in spending at this time of year. In fact, 45% of people feel pressured to spend more than they can afford at Christmas, leading to financial struggles when January rolls around.

But you don't have to break the bank to have a memorable Christmas. Plenty of families get by each year without excessive spending. You just need to be a little creative about your preparations and mindful of where your money is going.

To help you save money this winter, here are four tips to have an unforgettable Christmas on a budget.

Plan ahead

It seems obvious, but the first step to a budget-friendly Christmas is forward planning. Heading to the store without a comprehensive shopping list guarantees that you'll buy more than you need and fall at the first hurdle. It's time to get acquainted with spreadsheets and lists to plan out everything you need, determine what you can afford, and stop yourself from going over budget.

Get crafty

Christmas decorations are one of the most wasteful parts of the festive season. A monumental amount of tinsel and glitter gets thrown away each year. And on top of that, the quantity of discarded Christmas cards and wrapping paper would probably fill the Amazon Rainforest. By creating your own decorations, you'll not only be reducing waste and saving the planet, but you'll be saving yourself a hefty sum of money too. All you need is a few craft materials from your local art shop, and you're set. Plus, it's a great family activity to get the kids involved in. For something a little more advanced, why not have a go at making this DIY snow globe at The Art of Doing Stuff. And don't feel you have to limit your artistic endeavors to the decorations. You could even make your own Christmas presents too.

Save on the food shop

The vast quantity of delicious food is one of the best things about Christmas, but it's also one of the most costly. A good way to save money in this area is to make as much as possible yourself. Homemade snacks like cookies, mince pies, and sausage rolls are much cheaper than store-bought as well as more delicious. If you're happy to ignore traditionalism, why not buy a chicken instead of the classic turkey? It's a lot cheaper, and the chances are, no one will notice the difference!

Make memories, not debt

What makes a truly unforgettable Christmas isn't the expensive presents, but the memories you make together as a family. It's the little things like the delight on your children's faces as they discover Santa has eaten the cookies they left out for him, or a wintery walk followed by hot chocolates around the fire. It's easy to forget that Christmas is about family, not material goods.

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