
Monday, October 24, 2011

Spotlight on Mommy -- Meghann Mills of Lil' Diner LLC

I have been using the Baby Diner Dish Holder for over a month now, and can't stop raving about it.  It has it made dining at home and in public with our daughter more enjoyable and manageable.  In the past, I would look at mealtime as a time of headaches and unnecessary time spent cleaning the floor and my daughter's head, after she dumped food over herself.  But, since receiving and using the Baby Diner Dish Holder, there is no more hair cleanups or time spent mopping up the floor around my daughter's highchair.  Now, we can sit down together, suction her plate to the dish holder and know that the plate will stay put.  

I know I am not the only parent who had dealt with issues like messy hair or floors with toddlers learning how to feed themselves and eat at the table, so I knew that you all would enjoy meeting the inventor of the Baby Diner Dish Holder, and the one mother who has made it enjoyable again to take our children out in public to dine.  Please enjoy my interview with Meghann Mills of Lil' Diner LLC.  And, head back here this Friday, when I will share more information on her invention.

Name: Meghann Mills
Company Name/Product/Service:  Lil' Diner LLC
Company Location:  Salt Lake City, UT.
Company Website:  and
Facebook URL:
Twitter Handle: @babydiner
Age of Company: 3 yrs.
Favorite Inspirational Quotes:  "How to avoid criticism: Say Nothing, Do Nothing, Be Nothing."
Favorite Book:  Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.

I have 2 children and 1 on the way! (due in April),  4 and 1 yrs old. I like Cooking, Reading, Photography and playing with my boys!

Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about? 

We were out dining with our first son Frankie and me and my husband (Jesse) were taking turns holding his plate so he wouldn't throw it on the ground.  Then we looked up and noticed another table with a young child who knocked his plate on the ground with all his food going everywhere! We looked at each other and both realized there has to be an easier way.  After searching the market and trying all sorts of devices we were disappointed in their ability to work.  Either we had to wash or replace placemats or suction cup bowls every time we used them.  We wanted something that could be used right out of the diaper bag and put back in for the next time.  Voila! The Lil' Diner company was born. We created two types of securing methods; 1 being a C-clamp base (The Plate Saver) and the other a suction cup base (The Baby Diner).  The beauty came though, when we could practically use our product on all types of smooth bottom sided dishes.  Such as; Plastic, Ceramic, Stoneware, Glass and China dishes!  It was a invention of necessity.  :)

What is a typical work day like?  

After waking up my boys, feeding them breakfast and getting them dressed for the day, my day consists of checking and answering phone calls and emails, Fulfilling orders and searching out new potential sales.  

What has been a struggle while starting up your company?   

CAPITAL!  It's amazing how things add up quick and unfortunately the only way to learn lessons can be costly.  :)  

What did you do in your past work life? 

I still work part-time as an Attorney for the State of Utah.  I would love one day to work solely for Lil' Diner LLC, but for now we still have to pay bills while our company grows.  :)

What have been some of your major successes?  

We were recently listed on  Also, we are listed with, and numerous other retailers.  This has been really exciting to grow as a company.

What have been some of your major challenges?  

Family Time.  It's amazing how much time is spent trying to keep things functioning for the company that it takes a toll on the attention that should be spent with my family.  I work hard to try and balance both, but it can be challenging. 

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?  

Looking back and seeing how much we have learned and how far we have come as a company.

What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?  

I'm still learning everyday.  I guess time management would be the best thing for us.  Taking care of urgent matters during school or nap time.  :)

What is next for your business?  

To keep spreading the word of Baby Diner and sharing a laugh with everyone with our new video!  Check it out here:

Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?
ASK QUESTIONS!  Seek out other manufacturers and ask them questions and LEARN from their expensive mistakes before jumping in.  More then likely, they would be more then happy to share their successes and their mistakes freely if asked.

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